Powerful software for operations, finance, and HRTime Tracking for Digital Agencies

Reduce costs, maximize billable hours, and gain deep insights into employee utilization and more

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arah McGeary headshot

“We run our business through ClickTime. It empowers us to better manage budgets and more effectively allocate staff to projects.”

—Sarah McGeary, Vice President of Strategy and Operations, Nectar Communications

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Case Studies Never Over Service Again

With account execs billing at upwards of $175/hour, unpaid work is simply too costly. ClickTime PR gives you powerful tools to stop over servicing before it happens — to be proactive, to identify outliers, and to analyze long-term trends at the account, project, and employee level. Learn how we've helped the PR firms below.

MMI time tracking case study


MMI improved operations and increased profitability by switching to ClickTime.

Nectar time tracking case study

Nectar Communications

Resource Planning fundamentally changed how Nectar managed and optimized employee capacity, by giving unprecedented insight into company operations.

Eastwick time tracking case study

Eastwick PR

Eastwick significantly reduced non-billable hours and more effectively staffed projects and teams.

Wildfire time tracking case study


Wildfire improved employee utilization and project staffing with ClickTime.

Salt Branding time tracking case study

Salt Branding

Real-time reports empower Salt with the ability to engage in proactive customer conversations around project budgets and timelines.

Horn Group time tracking case study

Horn Group

Horn Group boosted revenues by accurately capturing project hours—dramatically reducing overhead costs.

kwittken logo


Kwittken manages employee hours and reduces over-servicing with ClickTime.

Make business decisions quickly Maximize Time and Efficiency

You shouldn't have to navigate complicated Excel spreadsheets to manage your team and your resources. That's why we created ClickTime PR. To simplify everything. So you can focus on strategy — not spreadsheets.

Make Every Hour Billable

If you increased employee utilization by just 2 - 3 percent, you could bill hundreds of thousands of dollars more each year. But what if you could really make an impact — and increase utilization by 5 or even 10 percent?

That type of increase in efficiency would add millions to your bottom line. Why not take a look at our utilization calculator and see how much more you could be billing?

ClickTime PR and Resource Planning

One View to Rule Them All

With Resource Planning, we've created a home for billing, staffing, and projects, and made it incredibly easy to understand which employees have the bandwidth to take on additional clients.

Resource Planning dashboard

Most valuable features Why ClickTime PR

ClickTime PR makes it incredibly easy to improve operations and gain unprecedented insights into your business. We've helped thousands of agencies increase profitability, intelligently staff and manage teams, and improve project visibility.

Maximize Employee Utilization

Leverage real-time and historical performance data to more effectively staff projects, teams, and clients

Reduce Administrative Costs

Empower HR, accounting, and finance with tools that drive efficiencies and streamline workflows

Forecast with Precision

Ensure accurate estimates — and plan against monthly retainers and lifetime budgets with confidence, all at the click of a button

Effortless Time Tracking

Easily record, plan, and manage employee time — from any device

Customize Everything

Create reports and derive insights that uniquely align with how you operate your business

World-Class Support

Dedicated account management, training, and insights from our agency relations team

Free Guide Employee Utilization Guide

Download now What You'll Learn

Managing operations, finance, or HR for an agency is no easy task. Our Essential Guide to Employee Utilization will help you navigate the world of billable hours, employee resource planning, and everything you need to know about running a digital agency.

approve time off
Annemarie Anaya Eastwick

“I can't overstate how important ClickTime is to our business. It has made us more productive, and better able to focus on meaningful work for our clients. ClickTime saves our team hundreds of non-billable hours a week — and nearly $200,000 a year.”

—Annemarie Anaya, Accountant, Eastwick Communications
