Know When to Hire Staff Smarter than Ever

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Trevor Mitchell headshot

"If our organization decides to change priorities, we can now predict the impact on the staff."

—Trevor Mitchell, Director of Membership and Strategy at American Mensa

Manage Employee Capacity See Who Is Available to Work

Our employee capacity reports let you know which employees are available to take on new projects. Understand employee availability for any time period — right now, next week, or six months down the road. Of course, we take into account vacation time, holidays, sick leave, jury duty, or any type of time off to highlight exactly who has capacity for additional or new engagements.

Beacon Health logo

“ClickTime allows us to better plan and track our projects, and how much time each employee is working on a given task. We're able to gain new insights into employee capacity and more effectively staff teams and projects.”

—Carmen Cast, Director of Business Applications at Beacon Health

employee availability report

Staffing Solved Hire with Confidence

Congratulations, you landed a new client! Can you start working next week? Do you have the right people on staff — and available — to take on new projects? What does your new business pipeline look like? Are you forecasting a busy season? Is your team overworked and needs support? Now you can know for sure!

University of Alberta logo

“When managers request additional staff, we can now use the data from ClickTime to analyze how resources are being utilized and justify new hires.”

—Cheryl Earle, Director of Finance & Administration, Information Services & Technology University of Alberta

employee capacity report

Deliver On Time Adapt to Anything

Your clients, partners, or stakeholders may change their mind about a project or a timeline. Budgets fluctuate. Employees depart. New business is won and existing clients find other vendors. Nothing is static. But you've got nothing to worry about.

Eve Luppert headshot

“ClickTime allows us to be more agile and responsive to client needs, changes to the budget, or even make decisions on whether we need to hire more full-time or contract employees.”

—Eve Luppert, Vice President of HR and Operations at Salt Branding

real-time project budgets

More Effective Management Understand What Projects Actually Cost

Could your projects be more profitable? Is your hourly rate high enough? Are you overservicing clients? We surface true project costs, and give you the data you need to make the right decisions about your business.

Rob Buhler headshot

“The deeper visibility we receive from ClickTime helps us better assess our hiring strategy to ensure we are properly balancing our staff capacity and work volume.”

—Rob Buhler, Chairman at MMI Public Relations

report on employee costs
