Stay on BudgetDeliver on Time, on Budget, and on Top of the World

Take Control of Your Budget

Cyvia Starr headshot

"We wanted to understand how long certain projects took, whether or not we were performing out-of-scope work, and the performance of our fixed-fee contracts. ClickTime helped us understand pricing and measure profitability."

—Cyvia Star, Business Operations Manager at Analgesic Solutions

Don't Wait for AnswersSee Real-Time Project Performance

Dynamic dashboards and easy-to-understand reports highlight project costs, billings, and profitability.

screenshot of billing rates for planned tasks and projects

Get a Handle on the Future Forecast with Confidence

There's no such thing as a perfect budget — but we can help you get close. Powerful benchmarks and in-depth cost analyses allow your team to predict and manage profitability.

Van Chang headshot

“ClickTime is a game changer. We're able to get the answers we need, and make faster, data-driven decisions around budgeting and managing our projects. ClickTime fundamentally improved how we manage our finances, staff projects, and plan our budgets.”

—Van Chang, Director of Finance at COPE Health Solutions

screenshot of profitability by tasks versus profitability by client

Know What Worked and What Didn't Compare Estimates with Actuals

See exactly where — and when — you were over budget. Break down costs by task, by person, by project, or any way you need. Get a clear, easy-to-understand overview of what's going in your organization - and the data you need to deliver exceptional results.

control gap logo

“It's easy to analyze billable versus non-billable hours, and ensure that all things are approved, checked, and running smoothly.”

—Drithal Kala, Project Manager, Control Gap

estimates vs. actuals

Next-Level Budget Visibility Keep Your KPIs on the Prize

Visualize progress against key metrics, team goals, and project hours in real time. Analyze historical performance, measure costs and timelines by job, project, task, or client — and ensure the entire organization is working together to achieve your goals.

Kate Van Order headshot

“With ClickTime we're able to predict costs and estimate billing easily and accurately.”

—Kate VanOrder, Consultant at Crankfrog

KPI report

Maximum FlexibilityBill Any Way You Want

Your employees track time, and the right billing rate is automatically applied.

Krista Snelling headshot

“ClickTime does a lot from the admin side, but from the user side it's so simple — you couldn't make it any easier.”

—Krista Snelling, CFO at Inspire Communities

Basic Billing Rates

  • By person
  • By project
  • By task

Advanced Billing Rates

  • By person, but with exceptions for certain clients
  • By person, but with exceptions for certain projects
  • By task, but with exceptions for certain people
  • By task, but with exceptions for certain projects

Project Budgeting

  • By hour
  • By amount billed
  • By task
  • By person
  • By person, by task
  • Retainers (by project, by person, by month)
Jason Van Driesche headshot

"We found the budgeting and estimation we were looking for in ClickTime's Resource Planning tool. Even though we have complex grant allocations and contributions coming from a wide variety of funding sources, ClickTime kept us on budget."

-Jason Van Driesche, Deputy Director at Local Motion

Free White Paper Rethink Your Billing Rates

Are you billing your clients as much as you could be? Learn how to maximize profitability and better manage employee time, utilization, and billable hours.

Learn More
