Release Notes (2002-2009)

Web Timesheet Release Notes (2002-2009)

Read our archived timesheet release notes and see what's changed.

This page contains archived information.

Check out the ClickTime Blog for the latest news and updates. On our blog, you can find the current release notes and catch up on all the exciting new features we've been working on.

Version 5.95 This release includes improvements to automated timesheet notifications, Week View time entry, Report Builder and custom alerts. The changes are as follows:
  • Automated Email Notifications Updated We added a new email template for sending manual and automatic incomplete time notifications. The new template references the specific days or weeks that are incomplete.
  • Week View (beta) Updated We made several improvements to the beta version of the Week View time entry. The newest version (Beta 3) is now available to all customers.
  • Report Builder Enhancements The Report Builder has received various improvements and interface updates.
  • New Custom Alert You can now add a custom alert message to the Timesheet Approval screen. Go to the Advanced section under the Company tab to enable and customize this alert message.
  • Web Browser Support We continue to fully support version 3 of the Firefox and Safari web browsers. We no longer support versions 2.x and older of Firefox and Safari.
  • Maximum Password Length Increased You can now specify a password up to 24 characters in length using any combination of letters and numbers.
  • Web Services Update Web services now supports time entry submissions for people who are required to enter comments. For more information on accessing and using web services contact support.
  • Sorting Sub-Jobs You can now choose to alphabetize the sub-job values (a.k.a. phase, sub-phase, etc.) by name or label. You can also define a custom order if you prefer. These options appear in your company preferences.
Version 5.91 This release includes improvements to reports, automated timesheet notifications and the Week View beta version. The changes are as follows:
  • Vertical Timesheet - Sort by Division The vertical timesheet report was updated to include division information. Additionally, when generating timesheets for multiple people, you may now sort the timesheets by division in addition to alphabetically by the person's name.
  • Automated Email Notifications Updated We made various improvements to manually and automatically sent notifications and reminders.
  • Week View (beta) Updated We made several improvements to the beta version of Week View and the AutoFill feature. The newest beta version (Beta 3) is also now available to more customers.
  • Overriding Timesheets When overriding the timesheet of another person, the manager or administrator can now add time regardless of any "My Jobs" settings.
Version 5.9 This release includes automated timesheet notifications and a new beta-version of Week View. The changes are as follows:
  • Automated Email Notifications and Reminders You can now configure ClickTime to send automatic email notifications to people who haven't completed or submitted their timesheet on time. You can also setup automatic reminders that email people to fill in and submit timesheets in advance of the timesheet due date. Administrators can access the options for these features in the "Advanced" section under the Company tab.
  • Week View (beta) - new version Some companies have been randomly selected to participate in a new Week View beta test. When those select companies use the Week View (beta) version, a newer beta version will appear that includes an updated interface and features such as AutoFill, Quickweek and custom messages and alerts.
  • Reports Updated Several of our newest reports received minor appearance and functionality improvements.
  • Longer Custom Terms We increased the maximum length allowed for custom terminology values.
Version 5.72 This release includes updates to several reports and new currency options. The changes are as follows:
  • Report Builder - Sub-Jobs You can now include sub-job values (a.k.a. phase, sub-phase, etc.) when building custom reports. You can group by, sort and create calculations based on sub-job information. Report Builder can be accessed from the Reports section under the Company tab.
  • Reports Updated Several reports have been redesigned and include more filtering options. All supported browsers (IE, Firefox and Safari) can now easily view the redesigned reports on-screen with HTML as well as PDF and Excel formats. The updated reports provide consistent functionality across all supported browsers. As a result, these reports no longer use the ActiveX viewer.
  • New Currency Options The Polish Zloty, Russian Ruble, Dominican Republic Peso and Solomon Islands Dollar currencies are now available when entering foreign currency expenses and in your Company Preferences.
  • New Web Service Methods You can now add and edit people via web services. For more information on accessing and using web services contact support.
Version 5.7 This release includes Expense Labeling, Job Duplication and improvements to Reporting and the Week View beta time entry interface. The changes are as follows:
  • Labels and Expenses You can now mark expenses as "exported" or any other value by utilizing labels at the time of export. Labels can be created through your company preferences.
  • New Filter when Exporting Expenses When exporting expense data, you can now exclude expenses marked with a particular label. For example, you may exclude all expenses that were previously marked as "exported to QuickBooks."
  • Duplicate a Job You can now easily duplicate an existing job as a means of creating a new job. When duplicating the job, you may specify whether to also duplicate the billing rate, custom field values, job structure (e.g. phases and sub-phases) and restriction settings from the original job. This feature is available from the job list and the job detail page.
  • Week View (beta) - Submit Timesheet For companies configured to use weekly timesheets, you may now submit your timesheet directly from the Week View (beta) interface. Timesheets can also still be submitted from the Timesheet View.
  • Week View (beta) - Performance & UI Improvements We've made several performance and interface improvements to the Week View beta time entry interface. We appreciate all of the feedback we have received and continue to improve this feature based on your responses.
  • Report Builder and Custom Fields We've added the ability to include custom fields when using the Report Builder tool. Report Builder can be accessed from the Reports section under the Company tab.
  • Bulk Deletion of Time Entries We've enhanced the ability to bulk-delete time entries. You may now specify a range of dates from which to delete time entries. You may also delete time associated with a particular job and task or with any active job and task. This feature is located in the Advanced section under the Company tab.
  • Making Bulk Updates to Your Item Lists If you are interested in making bulk updates to your clients, jobs, tasks, divisions or people (adding and editing), please contact our Professional Services department for more information.
  • Exporting Item Lists - New Options We've added new options when you export your lists of clients, jobs, tasks and divisions. You may now optionally include custom field values when exporting data. You may also specify which of your clients, jobs, tasks or divisions to export if you don't want the entire list.
  • Exporting Item Lists - ID Values When you export your lists of items (e.g. clients, jobs, tasks, divisions and people) you now get an extra column with a unique ID for each item within a given list. The ID value is helpful when importing into and synchronizing ClickTime data with third-party systems.
  • Exporting Item Lists - Column Name Change For consistency, we have changed the "Accounting Package ID" column heading in the list exports. The column name has been changed from, for example, "Accounting Client ID" to "Accounting Package Client ID" when you export your lists of items (e.g. clients, jobs, tasks, divisions and people). If you have automated processes that utilize these exports, please update them accordingly for compatibility.
  • QuickBooks Invoice Export Enhanced You can now associate a QuickBooks Invoice Revenue Account with tasks as well as jobs. This information is then included in the QuickBooks Invoice Export.
  • Firefox 3 Compatibility We now officially support version 3 of the Firefox web browser for Mac OS X, Linux, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Vista. We no longer support Firefox version 1.5 and older.
Version 5.63 This release includes improvements to web services. The changes are as follows:
  • Web Services - version 2.1 updated We updated the current version of web services to include some additional options. Contact support for documentation on what's new. If you're still using an old version of web services we encourage you to migrate as soon as possible. Old versions will only be accessible until June 30, 2008.
Version 5.62 This release includes improvements to the Week View beta time entry interface, reporting and OpenID login functionality. The changes are as follows:
  • Week View (beta) Updated We've made several improvements to the Week View beta time entry interface.
  • Report Builder We fixed an issue that prevented some users from being able to modify time frames for saved reports.
  • Single-Sign On with OpenID We improved login using OpenID. This includes support for OpenID 2.0 and Yahoo! identities.
  • Updated Online Help The context-sensitive online help system includes more information about recently added features.
Version 5.61 This release includes improvements to Reporting, OpenID login functionality and the Mobile Edition. The changes are as follows:
  • New Options when Exporting Client List You can now specify particular clients to export and optionally include custom fields in the exported data when running the Export Client List report.
  • Excel Linking We improved Excel Linking to work for additional account configurations. Excel Linking enables your company to download ClickTime data directly into your own Excel spreadsheets.
  • Single-Sign On with OpenID We improved error handling and messaging for login using OpenID. This includes automatically retrying the login request when an OpenID provider doesn't respond promptly.
  • ClickTime Mobile Edition Improvements We've implemented some minor improvements to the Mobile Edition.
  • Web Services documentation We added a link for the web services documentation to the Quick View page.
Version 5.6 This release includes enhancements to the Mobile Edition, web services, reporting and the new Week View time entry interface. The changes are as follows:
  • ClickTime Mobile Edition Improvements We've improved the Mobile Edition for BlackBerry, Windows Mobile and Palm users when entering time and expenses. People with other devices will see some improvements as well. Additionally, when iPhone users bookmark ClickTime and add us to the iPhone home screen, a nice ClickTime logo will now appear.
  • Web Services - version 2.1 We have a new version of web services with an updated and enhanced API. Contact support for documentation on what's new. If you're currently using an old version of web services we encourage you to migrate as soon as possible. The old version will only be accessible until June 30, 2008.
  • Week View (beta) Updated We've made several improvements to the Week View beta time entry screen including the ability to use the Options menu to easily switch between using type-ahead or standard pop-down lists on your timesheet to select the job and task you are working on.
  • New Option when Exporting Job List You can now optionally include custom fields in the exported data when running the Export Job List report.
Version 5.5 This release includes new QuickBooks integration, linking to Excel, support for OpenID and enhancements to reporting and the new Week View time entry interface. The changes are as follows:
  • QuickBooks Connector The ClickTime QuickBooks Connector allows companies to integrate timesheet and expense data seamlessly with QuickBooks Pro, QuickBooks Premier, and QuickBooks Enterprise (2005-2008). The integration tool communicates directly with QuickBooks, making it more efficient than traditional IIF export/import methods.
  • Excel Linking Excel Linking enables your company to download ClickTime data directly into your own Excel spreadsheets. With this feature you can retrieve a saved Customizable Data Export report via Excel without logging into the ClickTime web application. You can then dynamically update the data in your Excel spreadsheet with just a couple of mouse clicks. This feature is available to all Corporate customers.
  • Single-Sign On with OpenID We now provide support for login using OpenID. An administrator can enable or require the use of OpenID for login via the security settings in your company preferences. You can extend and integrate in-house IT systems to provide single-sign on or utilize external OpenID providers like AOL. See the online help for more information about configuring your account to use with OpenID. For more information about what OpenID is and how to get an OpenID, visit OpenID.netNote: Yahoo is aware of a bug in their beta OpenID implementation that results in an error. As soon as Yahoo fixes their bug you'll be able to use your Yahoo ID.
  • Week View (beta): Auto-Save The Week View beta time entry interface now will automatically save your time entries as you enter time throughout the day. You can turn this feature on or off via the Options menu on your Week View beta time entry screen. See the online help for more details regarding the auto-save feature.
  • Week View (beta): Sorting We've added the ability to easily sort your time entries by job, task or total number of hours entered. Just click the column headings on your Week View beta time entry screen. Then, every time you go to your Week View, it will keep your time entries sorted as you requested.
  • Week View (beta): Get More Info on Selected Job You can now dynamically get more information about the selected job in the Week View beta time entry interface. Just hover your mouse over the job pop-down selector and a window will appear showing you the full name of the client and job.
  • Week View (beta) Updated We've made numerous improvements to the Week View beta time entry screen including minimizing the height and width of each row for people with smaller or lower resolution displays. Your on/off setting for AutoFill is now retained as you sign in and out each day.
  • Client Invoice Report: Mark Time Entries as Invoiced The Client Invoice report now utilizes the labeling feature, enabling you to label time entries as "invoiced" and generating invoices for time entries that have not previously been invoiced.
  • Client Invoice Report: Custom Terminology The Client Invoice report now reflects your company's custom terminology for a "job" (e.g. project, case, etc.).
  • Customizable Data Export Report: New filters You can now filter data for this export report by billable status. You can also choose to include only worked time, time off or all time entries when exporting data. This is especially helpful when exporting data for third-party accounting, payroll and reporting systems.
  • Customizable Data Export Report: New Output Formats This report can now export data in CSV (comma-separated), Text (tab-delimited), Excel and XML formats.
  • Customizable Data Export Report: Employment Type We added the ability for this report to export the Employment Type value for each person.
  • Enhanced Report Builder We improved performance when reporting on large datasets and added the ability to include time entry comments when building reports. We also fixed an issue with editing the date range when your computer's date format setting differed from your ClickTime date format settings. These changes are available when creating new reports.
  • Enhanced Time Off Reporting New options and filters exist when using various reports regarding time off and accruals. You can now restrict the report based on date range as well as other options. These changes apply to personal reports as well as company-wide reporting.
  • Desktop Application: Sorting The ClickTime Desktop Application now sorts time entries the same way as Day View in the web application.
  • Overriding a Person's Timesheet with Sub-Jobs An administrator can now override another person's timesheet and edit the sub-job (a.k.a. phase, sub-phase, etc.) values.
  • QuickBooks Payroll You can now select QuickBooks as your payroll application in your company preferences.
  • Fidelity Payroll You can now select Fidelity as your payroll application in your company preferences.
  • Safari 3.1 Compatibility We now officially support version 3.1 of the Safari web browser for Mac OS X, Windows XP and Windows Vista. We recommend that all people using beta versions of Safari 3.x upgrade to the latest version. We no longer support Safari version 1.3 and older for Mac OS X.
  • Change Password Securely When you change your password using the option from the My Preferences page, your information is now always sent securely (https/SSL) even if you signed in with a regular (non-SSL) connection.
  • Export Reports - Columns Removed for Basic Accounts To improve consistency we have removed the "Division" and "Division Accounting Package ID" columns from appearing in Data Export reports generated by Basic accounts. Basic accounts don't have the ability to utilize divisions so these columns were always blank. If you have a Basic account and have automated processes that utilize these exports, please update them accordingly for compatibility.
  • Updated Administrator Manual and Online Help We have updated the context-sensitive online help system and the printable administrator manual to include various new topics including QuickBooks Connector, Excel Linking and OpenID. You can access the online help system by clicking any of the "help" links that appear at the top and bottom of every page after you log in. The printable PDF user manual can be downloaded from the Quick View screen under the Company tab.
  • Terms of Service Updated The ClickTime Terms of Service were revised.
Version 5.21 This release includes enhancements to reporting. The changes are as follows:
  • New Options when Exporting User List New options are available when running the Export People List report. You can now filter which people are exported by selecting specific individuals, divisions or employment types. You may also optionally include custom fields in the exported data.
  • Enhanced Report: Export People List We added a column with a unique ID value for each person to this export report. The ID value is helpful when integrating and synchronizing your person list with third-party applications and accounting systems.
  • Making Bulk Updates to Your User List If you are interested in making bulk updates to your user list (adding and editing), please contact our Professional Services department for more information.
Version 5.2 This release includes marking time entries with labels and enhancements to reporting, data export management and the Week View beta time entry interface. This release also adds compatibility with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, Safari 3.0.4 and QuickBooks 2008. The changes are as follows:
  • Labels You can now mark time entries as "exported" and other values by utilizing labels at the time of export. Labels can be created through your company preferences.
  • New Filter when Exporting Timesheets When exporting timesheet data, you can now exclude time entries marked with a particular label. For example, you may exclude all time entries that were previously marked as "exported to QuickBooks."
  • New Filters for Reports When running reports, you can now easily filter for timesheets that either have or have not been approved. This option has been added to numerous reports and is available for customers using Timesheet Approvals. If you want to add this filter to a custom report please contact Professional Services.
  • QuickBooks Export includes Class You can now include a "class" value when exporting time data to QuickBooks. To learn how to configure your account to include the QuickBooks class information in your exports, review the online help section for the QuickBooks Time Export report.
  • Week View (beta) Updated We've added the ability to easily navigate to different dates using a calendar option. We've also made several other improvements to the Week View beta time entry screen.
  • QuickBooks 2008 Compatibility We now officially support QuickBooks 2008 with our QuickBooks export options.
  • Mac OS X Leopard Compatibility We now officially support the Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard operating system. This operating system is compatible with the ClickTime web application and the ClickTime Desktop Application.
  • Mac Safari 3.0.4 Compatibility We now officially support version 3.0.4 of the Safari web browser with Mac OS X 10.4.11 and higher. We recommend that all people using older versions of Safari 3.x upgrade to the latest version.
  • Export Reports - Column Names Changed To improve consistency we have changed some column headings in a few time and expense data exports. References to "employee name" were changed to "person name" and references to "Employee Cost" were changed to "Cost Rate". If you have automated processes that utilize these exports, please update them accordingly for compatibility.
Version 5.17 This release includes enhancements to the stopwatch feature and an alert regarding future changes to some export reports. The changes are as follows:
  • Stopwatch We've made various improvements to the stopwatch feature.
  • Week View (beta) Updated We've implemented improvements and bug-fixes to the new Week View (beta) time entry interface.
  • Report Names Changed In order to improve consistency, we have changed the names of several time and expense report. References to "employee" have been changed to "person." For example, the "Detail by Employee" report is now named "Detail by Person." Your report favorites with custom titles are not affected by these changes.
  • Export Reports - Upcoming Changes For consistency across reports, we will be changing some column headings in a few time and expense data exports. References to "employee name" will be changed to "person name" and references to "Employee Cost" will be changed to "Cost Rate" during our next update in December. If you have automated processes that utilize these exports, please update them accordingly for future compatibility.
Version 5.16 This release includes enhancements to the new Week View beta time entry interface. The changes are as follows:
  • Search Options - Week View (beta) We've added the ability to easily search for the client, job or task when entering your time. Just click the magnifying glass next to the appropriate selector and type in some text to simultaneously search across several fields (e.g. client name, job name, job number, etc.) in order to find the item you're looking for.
  • Client, Phase and Sub-Phase Selectors - Week View (beta) We've implemented improvements when using separate client, phase and sub-phase selectors in the new Week View (beta) time entry interface.
  • Performance Improvements - Week View (beta) Performance is improved when using Internet Explorer version 6.
Version 5.15 This release includes enhancements to reporting. The changes are as follows:
  • Report Builder We've added the ability to easily define and change the timeframe of the report while using the Report Builder. We've also implemented additional enhancements to the Report Builder tool. The Report Builder can be accessed from the Reports section under the Company tab.
Version 5.14 This release includes enhancements to the new Week View beta time entry interface. The changes are as follows:
  • Week View (beta) Updated We now retain your AutoFill on/off settings as you move between weeks and implemented various other improvements and bug-fixes to the new Week View (beta) time entry interface.
Version 5.13 This release includes enhancements to reports, the new Week View beta time entry interface and the ClickTime Mobile Edition. The changes are as follows:
  • Year-to-Date Option We added the ability to easily select "year-to-date" when running a report in order to view all time or expense data for the current year.
  • Week View (beta) Updated We added an "options" button and now display the total hours entered for the week. We also implemented various performance improvements and bug-fixes to the new Week View (beta) time entry interface.
  • ClickTime Mobile Edition Improvements We've optimized the application for use with Apple iPhones when entering time and expenses.
Version 5.12 This release includes enhancements to reviewing timesheets and the ClickTime Mobile Edition. The changes are as follows:
  • Timesheet Review We added the ability to easily view a list of all comments associated with a particular timesheet while using the Timesheet Review page.
  • ClickTime Mobile Edition Improvements We've optimized the mobile login page for iPhones and fixed an issue that prohibited some users from using the ClickTime Mobile Edition.
Version 5.11 This release includes enhancements to reporting and the new Week View beta time entry interface. The changes are as follows:
  • Enhanced Report: Export Job List We added a column with a unique ID value for each job to this export report. The ID value is helpful when integrating and synchronizing your job list with third-party applications and accounting systems.
  • Week View (beta) Updated We implemented various bug-fixes and improvements to the new Week View (beta) time entry interface.
Version 5.1 This release includes enhancements to reporting, expense sheets, the mobile edition and a beta preview of a new Week View time entry interface. The changes are as follows:
  • Report Builder We've improved the ability to save, edit, duplicate and delete custom reports designed with the new Report Builder feature. The Report Builder can be accessed from the Reports section under the Company tab.
  • ClickTime Mobile Edition Improvements We've made various improvements to the ClickTime Mobile Edition. We also now officially support Apple's iPhone. Just point your mobile device's web browser to and sign in.
  • New Filters for Viewing Expense Sheets When viewing your own list of expense sheets, you now have many additional filter options to select from. Your selection is also stored so that, for example, each time you login you can easily view only the expense sheets for which you haven't been reimbursed.
  • Updated User Manual and Online Help We have updated the context-sensitive online help system and the printable user manual to include various new topics. This includes information and a walk-through demo of the Report Builder feature. You can access the online help system by clicking any of the "help" links that appear at the top and bottom of every page after you log in. The printable PDF user manual can be downloaded from the Quick View section under the Company tab.
  • New Week View (beta) A preview of a new weekly time entry interface is now available. You can access this beta version by clicking on the "Try out the new Week View (beta)" link towards the bottom of the current Week View page. Let us know how you like it and keep checking on it as we continually improve it over the coming weeks.
Version 5.0 This release includes new reporting tools, stopwatch improvements and a new release of the ClickTime Desktop Application. The changes are as follows:
  • Report Builder A new Report Builder is available which enables you to create your own custom reports using multiple filters, sorting options, subtotals, charts, graphs and other advanced tools. The Report Builder can be accessed from the Reports section under the Company tab.
  • ClickTime Desktop Application 2.0 This new version includes a stopwatch timer, weekly summary, and other advanced features. Thank you to all of the people who helped with beta testing during the past several months. People using beta versions need to upgrade as soon as possible. All beta versions will expire and no longer be supported as of June 10, 2007. You can download the new release by logging in and clicking on the Download tab.
  • ClickTime Mobile Edition for Windows Mobile Devices We've updated the ClickTime Mobile Edition to support Windows Mobile devices. The sign in page now includes standard and secure options. Windows Mobile 5 devices must use the standard method due to bugs in that operating system. Windows Mobile 6 devices may use either login method. Just point your mobile device's web browser to and sign in.
  • Custom Alerts in Expenses You can now put up a custom alert message that will be shown to all people from your company when they enter expenses. To add an expense alert message select the Custom Messages option in the Advanced section under the Company tab. This feature is only available to corporate customers.
  • New Report: Job Breakdown This new report can be accessed from the Client category and is available to accounts that are configured to break down jobs, projects or tasks into multiple levels (e.g. phases and sub-phases). The report allows you to drill-down into each job for information on each sub-level.
  • Client Invoice Report Enhancements The Client Invoice report now includes job numbers along with the job names. If you prefer to exclude the job numbers from your invoices, please contact ClickTime Support to learn how to configure your account.
  • Stopwatch Timer We have improved the stopwatch feature including support for selecting a job using the type-ahead input option. These features are available on the Day View and can be enabled in the "My Preferences" section.
  • Submit Timesheet Option The Timesheet View now always has a "submit timesheet" button displayed. If you click the button but your timesheet cannot be submitted, a message will appear explaining what actions need to be taken in order to submit your timesheet.
  • Zero Hour Time Entries Your ClickTime account can now be configured to allow people to enter a time entry for zero hours (e.g. the person needs to enter a comment for a job/project without associating any time). Contact ClickTime Support to learn more about configuring your account for this feature.
  • Sorting Your Custom Fields Custom fields will now be sorted alphabetically by "display name" rather than the "custom field name" when adding or editing an item (client, job, task, person, etc.) that is configured with custom fields.
  • Web Services Update We have updated web services to use a new URL. For customers using web services, please contact Professional Services for the updated documentation. You will need to update your systems before August 1, 2007 for compatibility.
  • Custom Login Pages: Updated Sign In Process We have streamlined the sign in process. For customers who are utilizing custom sign in pages, please contact Professional Services for the updated documentation. You will need to update your custom pages before August 1, 2007 for compatibility.
  • Platform and Browser Support We fully support Microsoft's Windows Vista operating system. We have also updated the list of supported browsers to include the most popular and current versions. For more details please review the ClickTime system requirements.
  • New Currency Option The New Caledonian CFP Franc currency is now available when entering foreign currency expenses and in your Company Preferences section.
Version 4.91 This release includes a new version of the ClickTime Desktop Application. The changes are as follows:
  • ClickTime Desktop Application 2.0 Beta 9 This new beta version includes the following improvements:
    • Supports "My Tasks."
    • People who are required to enter a comment with each time entry can now use the Desktop App.
    • Automatically saves time entries and logs out after being logged in for more than 48 hours.
    • Support for Microsoft's Windows Vista
    • Miscellaneous bug fixes.
    We strongly encourage all people who are using an older beta version to upgrade as soon as possible. Older beta versions will expire on May 31, 2007. You can download the new beta version by logging in and clicking on the Download tab.
Version 4.9 This release includes new versions of the ClickTime Mobile Edition and ClickTime Desktop Application. The changes are as follows:
  • ClickTime Desktop Application 2.0 Beta 6 This new beta version includes a "save" button and bug fixes. We strongly encourage all people who are using an older beta version to upgrade as soon as possible. Older beta versions will expire on December 31, 2006. You can download the new beta version by logging in and clicking on the Download tab.
  • ClickTime Mobile Edition for Time & Expense Tracking (beta) We've created a new version of ClickTime for Palm Treo, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry and Sidekick web users as well as other mobile devices (formerly known as ClickTime Handheld). Just point your mobile device's web browser to and log in to add and edit time on your timesheet or enter expenses on your expense sheet. The web browser on your handheld device must have cookies and JavaScript enabled.
  • New Report: Client Invoice (Excel) This new report can be accessed from the Client category. Separate invoices are created for each client covering a specified time period. Each invoice includes a breakdown by project and can also include the client's postal address so that the invoice can be inserted into a standard No. 9 window envelope for mailing. See the online help for more details about configuring your account for generating invoices.
Version 4.82 This version includes improved accounting package integration and browser support. The changes are as follows:
  • Accounting Package ID Fields The accounting package ID fields for clients, jobs, tasks, expenses, etc. have been updated to allow for up to 250 characters to be stored in each field. This provides improved integration for various accounting packages, including QuickBooks, that may require long ID values when synchronizing time and expense information.
  • Firefox 2.0 We support the use of the newly released Firefox 2.0 web browser for the Mac, Linux and Windows operating systems.
  • Internet Explorer 7 We support the use of the newly released Internet Explorer 7 web browser for Windows.
  • New User Manual and Quick-Start Guide A new printable user manual and quick-start guide are now available. These PDF documents can be downloaded from the Quick View section under the Company tab. The user manual contains the information from the "Administrator and User Manual" that is relevant to standard users (people without manager or administrator permissions). An administrator can download this PDF and distribute it to employees as desired. The Quick-Start User Guide is a four-page PDF that can be downloaded and included in employee handbooks to help new employees get introduced to using ClickTime for entering time and expenses.
  • Updated Online Help We have updated the context-sensitive online help system to include frequently asked questions (FAQ) and other information. You can access it by clicking any of the "help" links that appear at the top and bottom of every page after you log in.
Version 4.81 This version includes improved browser support and enhancements to the Customizable Data Export. The changes are as follows:
  • Customizable Data Export Enhancements The Customizable Data Export is now even more versatile. The Advanced interface now includes options to export the current status of each timesheet (approved, rejected, etc.), the previous status of each timesheet, the date and time the timesheet status last changed and which person made that change.
  • Customizable Job and Project Breakdown Enhancements We have made several enhancements to the ability to break down a job/project into phases and sub-phases.
  • Internet Explorer 7 We have improved compatibility with the Internet Explorer 7 Release Candidate 1 (RC1) web browser.
  • Job, Project and Task Customized Breakdown and Safari We have improved support with the Safari browser on Mac OS X when an account is configured to break down jobs, projects or tasks into multiple detailed items (e.g. phases and sub-phases).
  • Revised PDF Manual An updated version of the ClickTime manual is available for download. You can download the manual by logging in and going to the Quick View section under the Company tab.
Version 4.8 This version includes improved foreign language support and detailed job/project and task breakdown options. The changes are as follows:
  • Job, Project and Task Customized Breakdown Customers can now break down jobs, projects or tasks into multiple detailed items. For example, projects can now be broken down into phases and sub-phases. Tasks can also be further defined by using sub-tasks. For more information or to add this feature to your account, contact a sales representative.
  • Improved Foreign Language Support We now provide improved foreign language support throughout the web application. We have upgraded to use Unicode encoding (UTF-8). Reports viewed with the HTML Viewer should properly display foreign language characters. Reports generated as Excel files can be viewed using current versions of Microsoft Office on Windows and Mac.
  • New Online Help System We have implemented a new context-sensitive online help system. You can access it by clicking any of the "help" links that appear at the top and bottom of every page.
  • New Currency Options More than 10 new currency options are now available when entering foreign currency expenses and as your home currency in the Company Preferences section.
  • Incomplete Timesheet Settings Revised We've combined two different options into one when determining how and if to label a person's timesheet as incomplete. The new option appears in the "Time Entry, Expense and Approval Requirements" section when adding or editing a person's settings.
  • Timesheet View Revised The complete job name value is now displayed when using the Timesheet View.
Version 4.71 This version includes an updated version of the Desktop Application:
  • ClickTime Desktop Application 2.0 Beta 4 This new beta version includes numerous bug fixes and performance improvements. We strongly encourage all people who are using an older beta version to upgrade as soon as possible. Older beta versions will expire on August 16, 2006. You can download the new beta version by logging in and clicking on the Download tab.
Version 4.7 This version includes new timesheet features and timesheet approval features. The changes are as follows:
  • Require Comments for Time Entries All customers can now require individuals to provide comments when entering time. This feature is supported on the Day View, Week View and Handheld Application but not in the Desktop Application.
  • Prevent Submission of Incomplete Timesheets We now provide the ability to prevent people from submitting timesheets for approval if the person's minimum number of hours per day/week has not been entered. This feature is available on each person's detail settings in the "Timesheet Approvals" section.
  • Web Services Version 1.2 Decommissioned The 1.2 version of web services which was deprecated several months ago has been officially decommissioned and is no longer available. Any customers still using version 1.2 will need to migrate to a newer version of web services.
Version 4.61 This version includes improvements to the Customizable Data Export:
  • Customizable Data Export Enhancements The Customizable Data Export is now even more versatile. This report now offers an Advanced interface for specifying additional fields to export.
Version 4.6 This version includes a new type-ahead time entry method, stopwatch improvements and break time tracking. The changes are as follows:
  • Type-ahead Time Entry Selector We now provide the ability to select the client and job using a type-ahead selector. For companies with more than 100 jobs, this makes filling out your daily timesheet much faster. This feature is available on the Day View and can be enabled in your "My Preferences" section.
  • Stopwatch Timer We have significantly improved the stopwatch feature and its integration with your company's policies for recording time worked. Use it to record how long you have been working on a project. This feature is available on the Day View and can be enabled in your "My Preferences" section.
  • Adjustment and Break Time Tracking We now offer an adjustment option for recording break times. This simplifies the time tracking for people who record the start and end times while working. This can be combined with the stopwatch feature and provide valuable details for companies who need to track the exact hours that people are working on projects.
  • Virtual Punch Clock - Start and End Time Tracking Enhancements We've added several powerful options when configuring a person's time entry requirements. Utilizing these new options and stopwatch controls provides a virtual punch clock for those employees required to record their time in this fashion.
  • Desktop Application The Mac Classic version of the Desktop Application is no longer available for download and is no longer supported. Version 1.4.38 of the Desktop Application for Windows and Mac OS X is going to be discontinued as of August 31, 2006. We recommend downloading and using the new 2.0 beta version. The new version includes a stopwatch timer, weekly summary, and other advanced features. You can download the beta version by logging in and going to the Download tab.
  • Rosetta Compatibility The Mac OS X 2.0 beta version of the ClickTime Desktop Application is compatible with Apple Computer's Rosetta Technology for use on the new Intel-based Macs. You can download the beta version by logging in and going to the Download tab.
  • Security Enhancements The login process is more secure now that submissions are always transmitted using SSL.
  • DCAA Compliance Changes When a company is configured for DCAA compliance, the QuickDay and QuickWeek options no longer appear as options. Additionally, if DCAA compliance is enabled but audit logging is not turned on, changes to the names and other significant information for clients, jobs, tasks, divisions and people are now included in the DCAA timesheet reports.
  • QuickDay and QuickWeek Confirmation When you click either QuickDay or QuickWeek you will now be prompted to confirm you want to duplicate time from the past day/week. This will help people who accidentally click the button.
  • Timesheets Waiting for Approval - Editable Notes We now allow administrators to override and edit time entry notes after a timesheet is submitted and waiting for approval.
  • Overriding Timesheets - Inactive Employees Timesheets for inactive employees can no longer be overridden. The employee will need to be activated in order for an administrator or manager to override the timesheet.
  • Browser Compatibility We support the most recent versions of the primary browsers on Windows, Mac and Linux including Internet Explorer (6.x), Firefox (1.5) and Safari (2.0). We no longer support old versions of Internet Explorer (5.x and older) and Safari (1.2x and older). For more information regarding browser and system requirements, click here.
  • Expense Sheet Review Sorting When you run the Expense Sheet Review, the expense sheets are now sorted by the person's full name and then by the expense sheet date (oldest to newest).
  • Customizable Data Export Enhancements We now provide "check all" and "uncheck all" options when selecting what fields to include in this export report. This report can be accessed from the Miscellaneous category.
  • QuickBooks Invoice Export This report is out of beta testing and can be accessed from the Miscellaneous category. The report is useful for exporting your data to QuickBooks (U.S. versions only) for invoicing purposes.
  • Updated Manual An updated version of the ClickTime manual is available for download. The new version includes information regarding the type-ahead time entry feature. You can download the manual by logging in and going to the Quick View section under the Company tab.
Version 4.51 This version includes performance enhancements and a new public beta version of the ClickTime Desktop Application. The changes are as follows:
  • Desktop Application - version 2.0 beta A new beta version of the Desktop Application is available for use. This new version includes a stopwatch timer, weekly summary, and other advanced features. You can download the beta version by logging in and going to the Download tab.
  • Web Services Enhancements Various improvements to web services were implemented including new methods for use with custom-built time entry applications.
  • Performance Enhancements We've significantly improved performance on the Day and Week View time entry pages when using task list controls.
  • Updated Manual An updated version of the ClickTime manual is available for download. The new version includes helpful links in the Table of Contents and information regarding the Handheld Access feature. You can download the manual by logging in and going to the Quick View section under the Company tab.
Version 4.5 This version includes the ability to use ClickTime with handheld devices including Palm Treo, Windows Mobile, and BlackBerry. The changes are as follows:
  • Handheld Access (beta) We've developed a special version of ClickTime just for Palm Treo, Windows Mobile, Sidekick, and BlackBerry web users. Just point your handheld device's web browser to and login to add and edit time for your timesheet. The web browser on your handheld device must support and have cookies and JavaScript enabled.
  • Adding and Editing People - Tab Navigation Order To simplify adding and editing people, we changed the order followed when using your keyboard's "tab" key to navigate between form fields. Using the tab key now directs your browser through the required and most commonly used fields in a more logical order. Note: some web browsers don't fully support using the tab key to select certain form fields (pop-down lists, etc.).
  • Login - Tab Navigation Order We changed the order followed when using your keyboard's "tab" key on the login page. This makes the login process a bit quicker for those people using a keyboard to navigate.
Version 4.01 This version includes a new stopwatch timer, customizable time export report and other new report options. The changes are as follows:
  • Stopwatch Timer (beta) We now provide an option to use a stopwatch for easily recording how long you have been working on a project. This feature is available on the Day View and can be enabled in your "My Preferences" section.
  • New Report: Customizable Data Export This new export report can be accessed from the Miscellaneous category. The report enables you to select what data to export during a given time period.
  • Expense Sheet Totals While viewing "My Expense Sheets," the total of each expense sheet and the total reimbursable amount is now shown.
  • Custom Fields: Long Text Field Option We now offer the ability to define a "long text field" type of custom field. This provides for the ability to enter up to 4000 characters into the custom field.
  • Timeout Alerts We now provide an alert message prior to your session timing out. If your session does time out, perhaps because you've walked away from your computer, an alert will stay on your screen to notify you.
  • New Report: Job and Division Summary This new report can be accessed from the Client category. The report enables you to see the billable hours completed by each division for the specified clients. Only time for people associated with a division will appear in this report.
  • New Report: Job, Division and Person Summary This new report can be accessed from the Client category. The report enables you to see the billable hours for specified clients and provides details of the hours completed by each division and person.
  • New Report: Division Summary by Week (Excel) This new report can be accessed from the Job category. The report enables you to view the hours for specified jobs by week. It also provides a breakdown of each division's hours by week.
  • Revised Expense Export Report The expense export now includes the reimbursable status associated with each expense. Note: If you have an automated process that works with data from this report you may need to update your process to recognize these changes.
  • Mileage Expenses We now display either "mileage" or "kilometerage" throughout the Expenses portion of the application based on your company's mileage settings (miles or kilometers). This affects reports, exports and other pages.
  • Timesheets and Expense Sheets Not Editable After Submitting for Approval When a person submits his/her timesheet or expense sheet for approval, the person will no longer be able to edit the timesheet or expense sheet unless the person un-submits the time/expense sheet. A manager or administrator who has permission to override the person's time/expense sheet may still edit it without un-submitting it for approval.
  • Reports and Specifying the Date Range When running a report, the date range selector now matches your company's preferred date format (mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy).
  • Quick Day and Quick Week - Inactive Tasks When using Quick Day or Quick Week to copy time entries from a prior day/week, entries associated with tasks that the person no longer has access to (due to permission changes, tasks marked as inactive, etc.) are no longer copied to the requested day/week.
  • Disabling Save Button To help prevent accidental double-clicking of the "save" button when entering time entries, the "save" button now gets disabled when it is clicked on Day View and Week View.
  • Password Notification Option We now provide an option for a manager or administrator to re-notify a person of his/her password while editing the person's record. Just click the "send password notification email" link at the top of the person's Basic Information section.
Version 3.81 This version includes a new expense report and custom field option. The changes are as follows:
  • Custom Fields We now offer the ability to define a custom field on your company in addition to creating custom fields for clients, jobs, tasks, people and divisions. Custom fields created on your company are accessed on the company preferences page.
  • New Report: Expense Mileage Summary This new report can be accessed from the Expense category. The report enables you to see a list of all mileage expenses for specified people during a given time period.
Version 3.8 This version includes new expense tracking and reporting features. The changes are as follows:
  • Reimbursable Expenses We now offer the ability to identify specific payment types as non-reimbursable.The Expense sheet reports now separately display the expense sheet total and the reimbursable total, making it easier to know the check amount for reimbursing someone.
  • QuickBooks Reimbursable Expense Export Report This new report can be accessed from the Expenses category. The report is useful for exporting your reimbursable expense data to QuickBooks (U.S. versions only) for reimbursement and billing purposes.
  • Checking Account Name for QuickBooks We have added the ability to specify your company's checking account that reimbursable expenses should be applied to. This new option appears in the General Company Information section of the Company Preferences. The specified value is utilized in the QuickBooks Reimbursable Expense Export Report.
  • Revised Expense Export Report The expense export now includes the reimbursable status associated with each expense. Note: If you have an automated process that works with data from this report you may need to update your process to recognize these changes.
  • Custom Fields in Export Reports We have now added an option to include custom field information when using any of the Text and Excel time data export reports.
  • Expense Sheet Review Options We have added options to make it easy to review expense sheets that have been approved and waiting for payment. We've also added an option to quickly review only paid expense sheets.
  • Revised Export Task List Report The task list export now includes the billable/non-billable status associated with each task when your company is set to use tasks to determine the billable status of time data. Note: If you have an automated process that works with data from this report you may need to update your process to recognize these changes.
  • Revised Export Job List Report The job list export now excludes the billable/non-billable status when your company is set to use tasks to determine the billable status of time data. Note: If you have an automated process that works with data from this report you may need to update your process to recognize these changes.
Version 3.7 This version includes a new audit log feature and the beta release of a new Desktop Application. The changes are as follows:
  • Audit Log We now offer the ability to record an audit log of changes to your account. This includes adding, editing and deleting time entries, expenses, jobs, tasks, clients and people. This is an optional module that can be added to your account.
  • Desktop Application - version 2.0 beta A new beta version of the Desktop Application is available for use. This new version includes a timer, start and end times, and other advanced features. You can request to beta test this by logging in and going to the Download tab.
  • Revised Expense Export Report The expense export now includes the description field associated with each expense. Note: If you have an automated process that works with data from this report you may need to update your process to recognize these changes.
  • New Expense Review Selection Options We have revised the selection options for selecting people on the Expenses menu. You can now easily select one person's or an entire division of people's expense sheets to review.
  • Comments Popup Window We have revised the window that pops up to enter comments for a time entry to improve its behavior for people using multiple monitors.
Version 3.6 This version includes DCAA compliance, a bulk time entry feature, new reports and the ability to mark tasks as billable and non-billable. The changes are as follows:
  • DCAA Compliance We have updated the time entry and timesheet approval systems to be compliant with DCAA guidelines. This is an optional module that can be added to the Timesheet Approvals system.
  • Bulk Changes This feature enables an administrator to easily add time entries (e.g. a company's holiday schedule) to multiple people's timesheets. The administrator can also easily remove specific time entries from multiple people's timesheets. This feature is located in the new Advanced section listed in the navigation bar.
  • Tasks - Billable and Non-billable We now provide an option to specify whether time is considered billable or non-billable based on the task. A new preference appears in the Billing Rates section of the Company Preferences page to specify your company refers to jobs or tasks as being billable and non-billable. This preference determines the options shown when adding and editing jobs and tasks and when running reports.
  • Time Billing Features We now offer the ability to enable and disable the time billing features throughout ClickTime. If your company doesn't use ClickTime for billing purposes, disabling this feature will remove all of the billing information (billing rates, billable/non-billable status options, etc.) from reports and elsewhere throughout the application.
  • New Report: Job Summary with Comments This new report can be accessed from the Job and Client categories. The report enables you to see a list of the time and any associated comments for each job.
  • New Report: QuickBooks Invoice Export (beta) This new report can be accessed from the Miscellaneous category. The report is useful for exporting your data to QuickBooks (U.S. versions only) for invoicing purposes.
  • Revised Billable and Non-Billable Time Comparison Report Checkbox options are now provided to specify which people, divisions or employment types appear in the finished report.
  • New Report Date Range Selection Options New options for easily selecting a date range appear when running most reports. You may now select the current or last timesheet as well as date ranges corresponding to the past several timesheets.
  • Manager Ability to Unlock and Undo Approval of Timesheets and Expense Sheets We added a preference to enable managers to unlock/un-approve timesheets and expense sheets when they also have permission to lock/approve them. This is available in the Security Settings section of the Company Preferences page.
  • Block Usage of the ClickTime Desktop Application We now provide an option for administrators to prevent employees from accessing and using the Desktop Application. This is available in the Security Settings section of the Company Preferences page. Note: If you disable usage of the Desktop Application, people who have already installed it and are using it in offline mode may not realize it is disabled until they return to online mode and attempt to upload their time.
  • Safari 2.0 Web Browser and Mac OS X Tiger We currently support the Safari web browser, version 1.0 and higher, including the latest release, version 2.0 from Apple Computer. We also support Apple's Tiger release (10.4.x) of the Mac OS X operating system.
  • Netscape 8 Web Browser We currently support the Netscape web browser, version 7.0 and higher, including the latest release, version 8.
  • Web Services Enhancements Various improvements to web services were implemented including enhanced support for time off and start/end times.
  • Revert Paid Status of Expense Sheets We now provide the ability to revert the status of expense sheets from paid to not paid.
  • QuickDay and QuickWeek Confirmation Message A confirmation message will appear when clicking the QuickDay and QuickWeek buttons during a person's first two months of using ClickTime.
  • Reply Address Changed Incomplete Time Notification emails sent from the ClickTime System rather than the user's own email address due to email server configurations and spam filters, will now include the user's email address in the Reply To header. This will enable responses to these emails to be sent to the appropriate individual.
  • Custom Messages - Relocated The Custom Messages feature has been moved. You may now access this feature from the new Advanced section.
  • Billing and Payment Information We now provide a secure online form that you may use to change the billing and payment details for your company's account.
Version 3.5 This version includes a custom timesheet model, a new method for entering and tracking non-worked time (vacation, sick leave, etc.) and an automated accruals module. The changes are as follows:
  • Entering and Tracking Non-Worked Time We have created a new method for entering and tracking non-worked time such as vacation and sick leave. A new option titled "Leave Types" exists in the Preferences section under the Company tab. To make use of this new feature activate some of the pre-defined Leave Types or create your own. Then your employees can start entering vacation and sick leave on their timesheets in the new Time Off section without the need to create jobs and tasks corresponding to time off.
  • Vacation Accruals System We now provide you a complete system for tracking your company's vacation accruals. This is an optional feature that can be added to existing accounts. With this feature, you get the ability for automated calculations of time off balances (vacation, personal time, etc.). Individuals will be able to view their own current vacation and other time off balances at any time. A manager or administrator can also run detail and summary reports on people's balances.
  • Custom Timesheet Model This feature enables a company to customize the number of days per timesheet. Thus, if your company uses a timesheet model other than weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly or monthly, you can now specify a number of days per timesheet between 1 and 30.
  • Enhanced Manager Permissions You can now more explicitly define what a manager may and may not do. For example, you can now specify that a manager is allowed to add and edit jobs and tasks but not add and edit people. This feature is available to all corporate customers.
  • New Expense Default Preferences We have added two new preferences to make entering expenses quicker. Each person can select default values for the expense type and payment type options on the My Preferences page. These values are used when entering new expenses.
  • New Report: Expense Type Summary This new Excel report can be accessed from the Expenses category. The report enables you to see a breakdown of expenses by the type of expense (travel, entertainment, meals, etc.).
  • Revised Horizontal and Vertical Timesheet Reports These reports now sort the time entries by job, task and hour value with the entry with the greatest number of hours first. The reports will also show time off entries after listing all worked time entries.
  • Revised Expense Sheet Report This report now properly displays all relevant decimal values for a foreign currency exchange rate.
  • Expense Sheet Submittal Email The email that is sent after submitting an expense sheet for approval now includes the title of the expense sheet.
  • New Currency Option The New Turkish Lira currency is now available when entering foreign currency expenses and in your Company Preferences section.
  • Maximum Expense Amount Increased You can now enter an expense with an amount up to 100,000,000,000 to accommodate certain foreign currencies and their exchange rates.
  • Web Services Enhancements Various improvements to web services were implemented.
  • Revised Data Export (Excel) Report The date values exported now match your company's preferred date format (mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy). Note: If you have an automated process that works with data from this report you may need to update your process to recognize these changes.
  • Revised Data Export Reports - text and Excel An additional column has been added to reflect the leave type value for time off entries. When exporting by specifying jobs, tasks or clients the leave type column does not appear. Note: If you have an automated process that works with data from these export reports you may need to update your process to recognize this change.
  • Revised XML Export Report Schema The XML schema has been updated to reflect the time off entries. Note: If you have an automated process that works with data from this report you may need to update your process to recognize these changes.
  • Overriding Another Person's Expense Sheet When Job List Controls are being used and a manager overrides another person's expense sheet, only the jobs available to the person who's expense sheet is being overridden will be displayed. When an administrator overrides the expense sheet, all jobs are shown regardless of the Job List Control settings.
  • Expense Manual Links Convenient links to the administrator and user expense manuals now appear near the Help link in the upper-right corner of expense-related pages.
  • Reply Address Changed Emails sent from the ClickTime System rather than the user's own email address due to email server configurations and spam filters, will now include the user's email address in the Reply To header. This will enable responses to these emails to be sent to the appropriate individual.
  • Expense Sheet Date Format When you edit an expense sheet's date, your company's date format is now properly recognized.
  • Custom Fields - Maximum Character Length A "text" custom field type may now contain a value up to 50 characters in length.
  • Company Preferences - Manager View When a manager views the Company Preferences page, the person selected to be notified when an expense sheet is approved for payment is now shown properly and all settings are shown in a read-only format.
  • Safari Web Browser - Detail Job and Task The notes field is now properly displayed when editing a job or task and using the Apple Safari web browser.
  • Safari Web Browser - Time Entry Comments We increased the width of the comment pop-up window when using the Apple Safari web browser.
  • Firefox Web Browser - Week View An issue with the Firefox browser on Week View when the "(+) more jobs" option was selected in the job pop-down list has been resolved.
  • Camino Web Browser We currently support the Camino web browser, version 0.8.2 and higher. Older versions are no longer supported.
  • Resetting Password When an administrator resets a person's password, the email with the new password now references the administrator in the "From" address of the email message. This will allow the person to know who reset the password.
  • Secure link in email If your company requires secure (SSL) connections be used, when a person fills out the "forgot password" form, the email with the password now includes a link with a secure URL (https).
Version 3.2 This version includes Firefox compatibility and enhanced web services. The changes are as follows:
  • Firefox Browser Support We now fully support the Firefox browser, version 1.0 and higher.
  • Revised Expense Export Report Foreign currency information (currency, exchange rate, etc.) now appears in this export report. Additionally, the column headings now properly reflect custom terminology settings. Note: If you have an automated process that works with data from this report you may need to update your process to recognize these changes.
  • Time Entry Override Enhancements We have made several enhancements and fixed miscellaneous issues that may have occurred while overriding another person's time entries. When a manager overrides another person's time entries, the manager is restricted by the same job and task list controls as the person's whose time entries are being edited. When an administrator overrides another person's time entries, however, the administrator is not limited by the company's job and task controls, providing more flexibility.
  • Expense Entry Override Enhancements We have made several enhancements and fixed miscellaneous issues that may have occurred while overriding another person's expenses. Expense items can now be deleted and the expense sheet history can also now be viewed when overriding another person's expense sheet.
  • New Currency Option The Cyprus Pound currency is now available when entering foreign currency expenses and in your Company Preferences section.
  • Web Services Enhancements Various improvements to web services were implemented including a requirement that secure transmission (SSL) be used for all transactions.
  • Estimated Costs The label for the employee "cost" field was changed to "estimated cost" to appropriately reflect that the cost of a person's time is often an estimated value, especially when taking into account benefits, insurance, etc.
  • Revised XML Export Report Schema The XML schema has been updated to reflect the start and end time values for time entries. Note: If you have an automated process that works with data from this report you may need to update your process to recognize these changes.
Version 3.0 This version includes custom fields, the ability to enter start and end times for a time entry, employee cost tracking, web services and enhancements to the expense tracking module. The changes are as follows:
  • Custom Fields We now provide you a method for creating custom fields. Custom fields can be associated with a person, client, job/project, division or task. The custom fields can be formatted in a variety of ways including number, date or currency fields as well as pop-down lists. These custom fields can be utilized in custom reports for your company.
  • Start and End Times All customers can now require individuals to provide start and end times when entering time. Thus, rather than just entering that the person worked for 3 hours on a job, the person can now specify that she worked on the job between 9am and 12pm. This feature is currently only supported on the Day View web entry interface.
  • Employee Cost Tracking All customers can now enter and track the cost of a person's time. Just go to the detail view of a person and go to the Costs section to enter the person's estimated hourly cost. Several new reports have been created that allow comparison between the cost and billing rate information.
  • Foreign Currency Expenses All customers using the Expenses module can now enter expenses incurred using foreign currencies. Just check the foreign currency checkbox when creating or editing an expense sheet and the additional fields will appear when adding expenses.
  • New Currency Options Fourteen more currencies are now available in your Company Preferences section. These currencies are also available when entering foreign currency expenses.
  • Web Services We now provide web services for integration with third-party products and other web services.
  • View Billing Rates - Manager Permission You can now specify whether a manager is allowed to view billing rate information when running reports. This option is available when editing a manager's information.
  • View Costs - Manager Permission You can now specify whether a manager is allowed to view cost information when running reports. This option is available when editing a manager's information.
  • Improved Job List Search Functionality When performing a search on your job list, the search will now look for matches in the Client short name value as well as the job name and job number fields.
  • Custom Alert Messages Your custom alert messages will be displayed as long as some text appears in the message title or message body. Both fields are no longer required to be filled out for the alert message to be shown.
  • Revised People & "My" Report: Vertical Timesheet This report has been revised to display start and end times when applicable.
  • Revised Expense Sheet Report The expense sheet tracking ID, when provided, will now appear in the header of this report
  • Revised Data Export Reports - text, Excel and XML formats The employee Cost value and time entry start and end times now appear in these export reports. Note: If you have an automated process that works with data from this report you may need to update your process to recognize these changes.
  • Revised Export People List Report This report has been revised to include employee costs. Note: If you have an automated process that works with data from this report you may need to update your process to recognize these changes.
  • New Report: Job, Person and Task Summary with Costs This new report can be accessed from the Client category. The report is useful for determining the billable hours, costs and rates for specified clients. It also provides detail information of hours completed by each person.
  • New Report: Person and Task Summary with Costs This new report can be accessed from the Job category. The report is useful for determining the billable hours, costs and rates for specified jobs. It also provides detail information of hours completed by each person.
  • New Report: Client Billing - Jobs, Tasks & Costs This new report can be accessed from the Client category. The report is useful for determining the billable hours, costs and billing amounts for specified clients. It also provides a summarization of tasks for each job.
  • New Report: Profitability Summary This new report can be accessed from the Client and Job categories. The report is useful for determining the total hours, estimated costs, billing amounts and profit for specified clients or jobs. It also provides detail information of hours completed by each person.
Version 2.8 This version includes new Task list control options, customizable report titles and enhancements to the expenses module. The changes are as follows:
  • Task Controls We now provide you a new method to control which tasks are available when entering time. This feature is available to all corporate customers. A manager or administrator can control which tasks appear as options depending on the selected client and job.
  • Customizable Report Titles All customers can now specify what title appears on each report. The title can be customized each time you run a report. In addition, if you save a "favorite" report, the report will be shown in your favorite reports list with your custom report title.
  • Marking Expense Sheets as "Paid" - Manager Permission You can now specify whether a manager is allowed to mark expense sheets as having been paid. This option is available when editing a manager's information.
  • Get Notified When Expense Sheets are Waiting for Payment You can now select a person to be notified after an expense sheet has been approved and is ready to be paid. You will find this option in the Timesheet and Expense Information section of your company preferences. The selected person will receive an email and see an alert message after logging in to let him/her know that an expense sheet is waiting for payment.
  • Improved Session Duration and Customization Options After logging in, you can now remain idle up to 2 hours before your session will timeout. For increased security and flexibility you may now change your company's preferences to have shorter or longer timeout settings. The timeout value can be as low as 30 minutes or as much as 4 hours for customers on our corporate plan.
  • Revised People Report: Summary by Client Time that has been entered for a job that is associated with an "unspecified" client will now appear with the client name of "-unspecified-". Previously, time entered for these jobs appeared in the report with no value listed in the client name column. Note: If you have an automated process that works with data from this report you may need to update your process to recognize these changes.
  • View Expense Sheet Totals Before Paying You can now easily view the totals for each expense sheet before confirming that you want to mark the expense sheets as paid.
  • Manager May View Comments Before Approving Timesheets When a manager is allowed to approve timesheets but not allowed to override timesheets, the manager can now drill-down into each day on a timesheet to review the comments associated with the time entries before approving or rejecting the timesheet.
  • Manager Report Settings When you configure a manager to only run reports on specific divisions, the reports that the manager generates will only include data for people from those divisions.
  • Custom Messages with Blank Titles You can now display custom alert messages with and without a title.
  • Minimum Time Entry Setting You may now specify in your company preferences an amount between zero and 1 (e.g. fractional amounts) as the default minimum time entry as the default value to use when adding new people.
  • Maximum Expense Amount You may now enter an expense amount up to 10 million to better accommodate certain currencies.
  • Maximum Rate Value You may now enter an hourly billing rate amount up to 50,000 to better accommodate certain currencies.
Expense Export Some enhancements were made to the expenses export report. The changes are as follows:
  • Revised Report: Expense Export You can now select which expenses to export based on the status of the corresponding expense sheet. For example, you can choose to export only those expenses from approved expense sheets.
Version 2.6 This version includes new Job list control options, customizable terms, custom messaging features and enhancements to the expenses module. The changes are as follows:
  • Job Controls We now provide you new methods to control which jobs and clients are visible by people in your organization. This feature is available to all corporate customers. A manager or administrator can control which clients and jobs can be seen by each division or person when entering time and expenses.
  • Customizable Terms All customers can now select the terms that reflects their organization's use of categorizing time. Thus, if your company uses the term "Project" rather than "Job", you can now easily change the term in your Company Preferences and it is automatically reflected throughout the ClickTime system including time entry pages and reports. The Client, Job, Task and Division terms can be customized as desired.
  • New Report Selector: Billable and Non-billable Time This new report selector allows you to have either all time entries, only billable time entries or only non-billable time entries appear in a report. The selector appears for many reports.
  • Custom Messages You can now put up alert messages that will be shown to all people from your company when they login and enter time or expenses. You can also add informational messages. This information could include excerpts from your company manual as well as policies and guidelines regarding how your company wants people to enter their time and expenses. The custom messages are accessible from your Company Preferences page. This feature is only available to corporate customers.
  • Payroll and Accounting Application Settings There are now distinct options to select which payroll application and which accounting application you use. Depending on the applications you select on your Company Preferences page, special fields and reports may appear that are used for integrating ClickTime with your applications. For example, the payroll type option for each person is used for integration with QuickBooks.
  • Marking Expense Sheets as "Paid" You can now mark expense sheets as having been paid. When doing so, you can optionally enter a check number that corresponds to each expense sheet. These options are available when reviewing expense sheets in the Expenses section.
  • New Expense Report: Job and Person Summary with Expense Detail This new report can be accessed from the Expense category. The report is useful for determining the expenses for specified jobs. It also provides detail information of expenses by each person and expense type.
  • Revised Report: Expense Sheet The actual number of miles/kilometers entered now appears on the expense sheet report.
  • Revised Report: Expense Job and Person Summary Changed report to recognize your company's currency setting and to fix export data alignment issues.Note: If you have an automated process that works with data from this report you may need to update your process to recognize these changes.
  • Expenses: Negative Amounts You can now enter a negative amount for an expense (e.g. -$100). This is useful for handling cash advances.
  • Date Format on Expense Sheets Your company's date format setting (dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy) is now recognized properly when creating new expense sheets and entering expenses.
  • Reviewing People in a Division When editing a Division, you can now see a more comprehensive list of the people in that division. There is also now a link to quickly edit information about each person for the division being reviewed.
  • Manager Permissions You can now independently set a manager to have permission to review timesheets or run reports.
  • Expense Type List Navigation You can now search for a specific expense type and issues when navigating within long lists of expense types have been resolved.
  • Exporting Reports with Internet Explorer on Mac OS You can now export reports to Excel and other formats when using Internet Explorer 5.x on Mac OS.
Version 2.5 This version includes the new Expense tracking system and six new reports. The changes are as follows:
  • Expenses Tracking System We now provide you a complete system for entering and approving expenses. This is an optional feature that can be added to existing accounts. Add this feature to your account and get the ability for people to enter expenses, submit their expense sheets and get them approved by a manager or administrator. A manager or administrator can also run reports on entered expenses.
  • New Report: Billing Summary with Person Detail This new report can be accessed from the Client category. The report is useful for determining the billable hours and rates for specified clients. Also provides a breakdown by person for each client.
  • New Report: Job and Task Summary with Comments This new report can be accessed from the Client category. The report is useful for a detailed breakdown of all time entered for a specified client. Summarizes time by job and task.
  • New Report: Job, Task and Person Summary with Comments This new report can be accessed from the Client category. The report is useful for a detailed breakdown of all time entered for a specified client. Summarizes time by job, task and person.
  • New Report: Client Billing - Job and Task Summary This new report can be accessed from the Client category. The report is useful for determining the billable hours and amounts for specified clients. Provides summarization of tasks for each job.
  • New Report: Billing Summary with Client Detail This new report can be accessed from the People category. The report is useful for viewing the billable and non-billable hours and associated rates by each person. Also provides a breakdown of each person's hours by client.
  • New Report: Timesheet Approvals Configuration This new report can be accessed from the Miscellaneous category. The report Lists all of your timesheet approval settings in one comma-separated file which can be easily viewed in Excel.
  • Revised Report: Rate Card Changed report to include the client name.Note: If you have an automated process that works with data from this report you may need to update your process to recognize this change.
  • Report formatting Some minor formatting changes to the page header and column labels of various reports.Note: If you have an automated process that works with exported data from reports you may need to update your process to recognize some of these changes.
  • ClickTime Desktop Application Old beta versions of the desktop application can no longer be used. People with old versions will need to login and download the current version. Additionally, future versions of the desktop application will no longer support Mac OS 9. A new version, expected to be released later this year, will only support version 10 of the Macintosh operating system (Mac OS X).
  • New text-based navigation Many of the navigation options within the application have been changed to use text rather than images to improve page-loading speeds and to work better for those people who need to use enlarged text in their browser for easier reading.
ClickTime Desktop Application A new version of the ClickTime Desktop Application is now available. Version 1.4.38 is available for Windows and Mac systems. The changes in this version are as follows:
  • Improved Windows 98 compatibility This release improves compatibility with the Windows 98 operating system.
  • Job list selection An issue was resolved that could prevent the selection of the last item in the job list.
Network Changes We made various changes to improve performance and security with ClickTime. This included DNS changes for the IP addresses associated with the ClickTime system. If you received a warning message while trying to sign in to ClickTime please have your computer support department review the information below regarding DNS servers.
  • DNS changes and issues Part of the network changes made on January 24 included DNS changes for the various web site URLs associated with the ClickTime system, including These DNS changes were detected throughout the Internet within 5 minutes based on a 300 second time-to-live (TTL) setting for the domain names. During the weeks of testing that preceded this change, we discovered that some DNS servers on the Internet may not be setup to properly update their information or are retrieving their DNS information from a misconfigured DNS server. As a result, old ClickTime DNS settings for are cached, in some cases, for weeks without getting updated. If your DNS results for result in the address, your DNS server(s) aren't properly getting updated. Please check with your DNS technician or Internet provider to let them know that the DNS server isn't getting updated correctly. They may instead provide you with a new properly operating DNS server to use on your computer(s).
  • Receiving Mail from ClickTime If nobody in your company is receiving email messages and notifications (forgot password, etc.) from the ClickTime system, this may be due to your company's email server or spam-blocking system. The IP addresses corresponding to, which is used for sending ClickTime system messages, has changed. Your IT (computer support) department may need to update your company's email server settings to allow email messages from the new IP addresses associated with
Version 2.20 This version included some report changes and a completely new home page. The changes are as follows:
  • New home page We have a new and improved home page. The new interface includes improved navigation and is also reflected on the pages you can link to from the home page. To sign in from the home page, click the "Sign In" link in the upper right corner. To simplify the sign-in process in the future, set your web browser's bookmark to "//" (with no specific page reference) and you will be automatically taken to the login page.
  • Revised Report: Horizontal Timesheet Changed report to only show time entries in the comment section for those time entries that include comments.
  • Revised Report: Detail by Employee Changed formatting to prevent mostly blank pages from occurring within long reports.
  • Timesheet View and Locked Days When viewing your timesheet, a small padlock image will now appear for each day that has been locked or approved by your manager or ClickTime administrator.
Version 2.10 This version included the new Timesheet Approvals system, and the ability to export data to the XML format. The changes are as follows:
  • Timesheet Approvals System We now provide you a complete system for submitting and approving timesheets. This is an optional feature that can be added to existing accounts. Add this feature to your account and get the ability to designate people that must submit their timesheets and get them approved by a manager or administrator.
  • Export to XML You can now export your time entry data to an XML format. The new XML export report option is accessible from the Miscellaneous report category.
  • Quickweek and weekends If you are hiding weekends on the Week View page and click the Quickweek button, we no longer copy over entries that existed on Saturday and Sunday from the previous week.
  • Employment Types and the People List Export report The Employment Type settings for each person are now exported when running the People List Export report.Note: If you have an automated process that works with exported data from this report you may need to update your process to recognize the additional information.
  • Billing Rate Values You can now enter more discrete billing rate values. This includes numbers in a format such as $125.75.
  • Preferred Time Entry View You can now select either the Daily or Week View as your preferred time entry view by going to the My Preferences area under the Personal tab. This determines what page you are taken to when clicking the Personal tab and when standard users first login. All people will default to using Week View as the preferred time entry view if their browser supports that feature.
  • Division Reports We have removed the Division category from the Reports menu. You can access these reports from the People category. The People reports allow you to select from a list of People, Divisions or Employment Types, all on the same page.
  • New Report: Billing Detail by Person This new report can be accessed from the Client and Job categories. The report is useful for a quick overview of billable hours and rates for specified jobs and clients. It also includes a breakdown of the hours completed by each person.
  • Incomplete Time Entry Report We have removed the Incomplete Time Entry report from the People category in the Reports area. You can access this report from the Timesheets section under the Company tab.
  • PDF reports and Mac OS X Reports created using the PDF format can now be viewed with Apple's updated Preview application that comes with Mac OS X version 10.3 (Panther).
ClickTime Desktop Application A new version of the ClickTime Desktop Application is now available. Version 1.40 is available for Windows and Mac operating systems. This version improves network communications. Older versions of the ClickTime Desktop Application will no longer be supported after December 30, 2003.
Version 2.0 This version included the new Week View feature, providing the ability to enter a week's worth of time in one page. This feature also included Employment Types. The changes are as follows:
  • Week View - Time Entry We now provide you the ability to enter time on the Weekly View page. This should make entering time much easier and quicker. This feature incorporates modern web standards (HTML and JavaScript) that some older browsers were not designed to work with properly. As a result, some older versions of browsers that are still supported with the Daily View cannot be used with the new Weekly View feature.
  • Quickweek You can now copy a previous week's time entries to a new week by simply clicking the Quickweek button on the Weekly View page. This works the same as the Quickday feature in that it copies the time entries from a previous week without copying the comments.
  • Timesheet View There is now a separate Timesheet View that displays a summary of time entries. The number of days shown is determined by your company's timesheet model (weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly or monthly).
  • Employment Types You can now associate each person with an employment type. You can then run reports on these groups of people. For example, you can use this to easily run Horizontal Timesheet reports for all hourly employees. You define what the different employment types are in the Employment Type section. You can access this new feature by clicking the Employment Type link at the top of the People list.We provide a few sample types for you and have preset all people in your company to the Standard employment type. You can re-assign multiple people to one employment type easily be editing the desired employment type and clicking the "assign people" link.
  • Accounting/Payroll Application There is now an option to select which payroll or accounting application you use. This will show special fields and reports that are used for integrating ClickTime with your application. For example, the payroll type option for each person is used for integration with QuickBooks. The payroll type option is now listed in the "Accounting/Payroll Information" section when editing a person.
  • Notes While editing jobs, tasks, clients, people and divisions, you can now enter comments into a Notes field. You can use this area to keep track of additional information for your employees, projects and clients.
  • Maximum Time Entries per Day You can now enter up to 99 time entries per day.
  • People Reports We have provided you more options for selecting which people to include when running a report. When you run one of the People reports, you can select from a list of People, Divisions or Employment Types, all on the same page. To reflect these new options, we changed the name of the category of these reports from "Employee" to "People". Additionally, we will be removing the "Division" report category in the near future since these reports and selection options are now accessible from the People category.
  • New Report: Job and Task Summary with Employee Detail There is a new report under the Client category titled "Job and Task Summary with Employee Detail." This is useful for a quick overview of billable hours and rates for specified clients.
  • List Export Report changes The new Notes fields have been added to the People, Job, Client, Division and Task Export List reports. Note: If you have an automated process that works with exported data from any of these reports you may need to update your process to recognize the additional information.
  • New currency option South African currency is now available in your Company Preferences section.
Version 1.80 This version included new timesheet and search functionality. There are also two new billing rate options and a new client report. The changes are as follows:
  • Timesheet Model We now allow you to define a timesheet model for your company. This setting is utilized for locking individual person's timesheets. You can select a timesheet period of weekly, biweekly (every other week), semi-monthly (e.g. 1-15 and 16-30) or monthly.
  • Timesheets Section There is now a separate Timesheets area for managing people's time entries. From this section you can review, override and lock a person's timesheet. You can also determine if people's timesheets have been sufficiently completed by using the Incomplete Time Entry report accessible in this section.
  • Timesheet Review and Locking Timesheets If most people in your company enter their time regularly but a few people are still back-logged preventing you from updating your company lock date, this new feature is for you. This feature will allow you to lock time entries for individual people that you specify. For example, if you want people to be up-to-date entering their time on a weekly basis, go to your company Preferences and set your Timesheet Method to "weekly." When most people have completed their time entries for the week, you can run the Timesheet Review report from the new Timesheets section and lock the completed timesheets to prevent changes. Note: You can only review and lock timesheets for dates on or after July 1, 2003.
  • Search for People, Clients, Jobs, Tasks or Divisions It's now easier to manage your lists of people, clients, jobs, tasks and divisions. From the QuickView page or while viewing a list of people, clients, etc. you can enter the name of what you are looking for and quickly see a matching list of items. If only one item is found matching your search request you will be taken directly to the detail information of that item.
  • Managerial Permissions There are new permission settings that you can grant to a manager. The "review timesheets" permission is a new primary or "top-level" permission. There are also three secondary permissions related to reviewing timesheets as described below:
    1. notify users with incomplete time entries - this was previously a secondary permission under the "run company reports" permission. Whether the manager may notify all people or just those from specific divisions is determined by the settings for the review timesheets permission.
    2. lock timesheets - Whether the manager may lock all people's timesheets or just those from specific divisions is determined by the settings for the review timesheets permission.
    3. override timesheets - this was previously a primary permission.
  • Sorting Options While viewing lists of people, clients, jobs, tasks or divisions, you can sort the columns in standard or reverse alphabetical order.
  • Billing Rate Options In your company preferences, there are two new billing rate options to select from. We now provide the ability to select a billing rate by person with exceptions for certain clients or jobs.
  • New Report: Employee Summary There is a new report under the Client category titled "Employee Summary." This is useful for a quick overview of time allocation to specified clients. It provides a breakdown by person with time provided in cumulative hours as well as percentage breakdowns.
  • Report Change The vertical timesheet report has been revised to display more information per page. Note: If you have an automated process that works with exported data from this report you may need to update your process to recognize this new format.
  • Desktop Application and Locked Days The ClickTime Desktop Application does not allow the editing of any time entries that are for dates older than the lock date as shown in your company preferences. In addition, if any timesheets for a person have been locked and that person uses the ClickTime Desktop Application (version 1.3.x and lower), all days prior to the person's most recent locked timesheet will be considered locked. We plan to provide enhanced date lock handling for the Desktop Application in the near future.
  • Browser Support We fully support the Netscape browser, version 7 and higher. We no longer support version 6.x and older versions of the Netscape browser. You may review the ClickTime browser compatibility options by clicking here.
Version 1.75 This version included enhanced browser detection and compatibility. The changes are as follows:
  • Apple's Safari Web Browser for Mac OS X We now provide enhanced browser detection for Apple Computer's Safari web browser including proper detection of your time zone, cookies and JavaScript settings.
  • Easier Management of Jobs It's now easier than ever to manage the jobs for your clients. While viewing the detail information for a specific client, you can view all of that client's jobs, edit them or create a new job.
Version 1.72 This version included enhanced browser detection and compatibility. The changes are as follows:
  • Apple's Safari Web Browser for Mac OS X You can now use Apple Computer's new Safari 1.0 (v85) web browser for Mac OS X with ClickTime. If you have a beta or pre-release version of Safari (older than v85) then we strongly recommend that you upgrade to the final 1.0 version (v85). When using Safari, we are currently unable to detect your cookies, JavaScript and time zone settings, thus ClickTime defaults to using Pacific Daylight Time. We hope to provide enhanced browser detection for Safari in the near future.
  • Browser Detection We have enhanced our browser and platform detection upon login in order to confirm browser compatibility.
  • Internet Explorer for Mac OS There are currently bugs with Microsoft's Internet Explorer web browser for Mac OS when using a secure (SSL) connection. To avoid these bugs, if you login securely with this browser we will revert you to using a standard connection and display an appropriate warning message. If your company requires that you use a secure connection to ClickTime, we recommend that you use a different browser on Mac OS (Safari, Netscape, Mozilla, etc.). You may review the ClickTime browser compatibility options by clicking here.
Version 1.71 This version included the ability to specify which people a manager oversees. We also implemented new export reports. The changes are as follows:
  • Division Managers You can now specify whom a manager oversees. The security options for a manager enable you to specify for each permission whether the manager gets the ability for one division, multiple divisions or the entire company. Adding new managers or changing someone's security settings are even easier now with our improved interface.
  • Export Report Options You can now specify which jobs, clients, tasks, people or divisions for which you want to export data. You can also still easily export all data for your company. This is extremely helpful for creating custom reports and importing data into accounting systems.
  • Report System - Show Only Active Items When you run a report, you can now specify that you only want to select from active jobs, clients, tasks, people or divisions. This can significantly shorten the list of checkboxes you have to choose from. When displaying all items (active and inactive) you can now distinguish which clients, jobs, etc. are inactive.
  • PDF Reports Reports created using the PDF format have been streamlined to resolve issues with some versions of Internet Explorer on Windows PCs. The PDF files generated do not currently work with Apple's Preview application for Mac OS X. We hope to support this application in the future.
  • Enter Your Own Password When adding new people to ClickTime, you may enter the password for each person. If you prefer, for security purposes, you can leave the password field blank and we'll generate a random password for each person.
  • Browser Detection - JavaScript Required We now perform more significant browser detection upon login in order to confirm browser compatibility. Specifically, we now detect JavaScript settings and require that it be enabled on your web browser in order to login.
  • New Currency Options Norwegian and South Korean currencies are now available in your Company Preferences section.
  • Time Zone Detection We now detect the time zone settings of your computer so that you can more easily enter time for the current day where you are located.
  • Easier Login We've improved how you login to ClickTime. This included improving the secure login process when using SSL with your web browser. Also, if you get distracted while entering your time, don't worry. We've increased the time before you are required to re-authenticate to 90 minutes.
  • Revised Manager Permission A manager can only edit the email addresses of a person with the "standard" security level.
  • Label Revised When adding a new person and editing an existing person's information, the reference to the optional accounting package information was changed from "accounting package user ID" to "accounting package person ID." This didn't affect the column heading for the export reports.
Version 1.70 This version included a major upgrade to our report generation system. We also implemented more significant browser detection upon login to verify compatibility. The changes are as follows:
  • Report System - Viewers There are new report viewer options for all browsers and platforms. The recommended method of viewing reports is now PDF. The PDF format allows people with Macs and PCs to view and print good-looking reports. The HTML viewer is significantly improved and is available to people using Windows and Mac-IE. The first time you use the ActiveX viewer you will be prompted to download the updated viewer software. The Java viewer option is no longer available.
  • Report System - Viewer Export Options After generating a report using either the ActiveX or HTML viewer, there are new and improved export options including PDF. Some reports may export slightly differently now so we recommend that customers test any custom post-processing macros or data manipulation methods with the updated system.
  • Report Changes The Summary by Client report under the Employee category now includes the client number when applicable. The Incomplete Time Entry report no longer evaluates dates prior to an employee's start date for "completeness" even when time has been entered for that employee prior to the start date. If any employees in your customer showed this problem, you can reset them by simply changing the specific person's settings from requiring a certain number of hours "per Day" or "per Week" to the alternate Day/Week setting, then saving the person's settings and finally changing him or her back to his/her original Day/Week setting. The notification feature has also been enhanced for the Incomplete Time Entry report. If any problems are detected when sending email notifications, the list of people who could not be sent the notification is now displayed.
  • PDF Reports Reports created as or exported to the PDF format can be viewed using the Adobe Acrobat Reader for Macs and Windows PCs. The PDF files generated do not currently work with Apple's Preview application for Mac OS X. We hope to support this application in the future.
  • My Tasks Does your company have 20 different tasks, and only 2 of them apply to you? You can shorten your task list and opt-out or opt-in to whatever task you perform. Go to "My Tasks" and simplify your time-entry page. This new feature is similar to the My Jobs option.
  • Browser Detection We now perform more significant browser detection upon login in order to confirm browser compatibility. Specifically, we detect the platform (e.g. Windows 98, Mac OS X, etc.), browser type (IE, Netscape, Safari, etc.), browser version number and whether session cookies are enabled.
  • Desktop Application for Mac OS X A beta version of the Desktop Application is now available for Mac OS X. You can download it after logging in by going to the Download tab and selecting the appropriate link for Mac OS X.
  • Apple's Safari Web Browser for Mac OS X Apple Computer has released a beta version of a new web browser for Mac OS X called Safari. Unfortunately, due to various JavaScript problems with the current beta version of the browser, we do not support using Safari with ClickTime. We hope to support this browser in the near future.
  • Bookmarks for ClickTime We strongly recommend that any bookmarks in your web browser only reference and not any specific number such as This will assure you and your employees of always being able to login to ClickTime.
Version 1.62 This update incorporated several new settings to enhance the functionality for international customers. We also added several new reports as well as modifying a few existing ones. The changes are as follows:
  • Currency You can now specify the currency for your company as either the symbol (e.g. £) or ISO abbreviation (e.g. GBP).
  • Date Format You can now select between two date formats (day/month/year and month/day/year). These formats are reflected throughout the application including export reports. Note: if you export data to Excel, confirm that your copy of Excel expects date in the corresponding format. Otherwise, Excel may misinterpret the exported date of "5/1/2002" as either May 1 or January 5.
  • Start Week on You can now specify the day of the week your company considers the workweek to start on. Previously, the start of the week was presumed to be Sunday. This setting is utilized when selecting a date range to run a report on and choosing either "week to date", "last week" or "last two weeks." The start of the week is also used to determine if a specific employee has entered the necessary time when required to enter a certain number of hours per week.
  • Minimum Time Requirements You now have the ability to specify the minimum number of hours required for each employee. Previously this was available only as a single setting for your entire company. You can also now specify if a person must enter a minimum number of hours either per day or per week. As a result, the minimum time requirements and incomplete time entry report now support a part-time employee who is only expected to work 20 hours per week.
  • Job List The list view for jobs now allows you to activate, deactivate or delete multiple jobs at one time.
  • Reports: Date Selector The "last 15 days" and "last 30 days" options have been corrected to return the correct number of days specified.
  • Reports: Data Export (text and Excel versions) The division name and Accounting DivisionID are now included when exporting data. Note: If you have an automated process that works with the exported data you may need to update your process to recognize this new information.
  • Reports: New Export reports There are five new export reports available to export your company's employees, clients, jobs, tasks, or divisions to a tab-delimited text file.
  • Reports: Incomplete Time Entry (Employee, Division and My Reports versions) This report has been significantly enhanced to incorporate a new interface and several new features. When selecting this report you can specify if the results should be shown in your web browser (HTML) or exported to an Excel file. Note: the Excel export is only available under the Company Reports section and for customers on the Basic and Enterprise Pricing Plans.The report now distinguishes between employees who have "hours per week" and "hours per day" requirements. For customers on the Basic or Enterprise Pricing Plan, you can now also include a custom note when notifying employees via email of incomplete time. There are also now two versions of this report: standard and extended. The extended view, available only to Basic or Enterprise Plan customers, shows when each employee was last notified of incomplete time and the time range for which each employee was notified.
  • Reports: Task Summary (in the Division and Task categories) These reports now include billing rate totals.
  • Reports: Client Billing Summary (in the Client category) This is a new report for determining the billable hours and rates for specified clients.
  • Reports: Summary by Client (in the Employee category) This is a new report that provides a quick overview of an employee's cumulative hours as well as the percentage breakdown of time by client.
  • Reports: Rate Card This is a new Excel report that provides a complete list of your company's billing rates according to the billing rate method selected in your company preferences.
