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Check out the ClickTime Blog for the latest news and updates. On our blog, you can find the current release notes and catch up on all the exciting new features we've been working on.

View the news for 2007 - present. New features in ClickTime 4.9 include:
  • ClickTime Desktop Application 2.0 Beta 6: This new beta version includes a "save" button and bug fixes. We strongly encourage all people who are using an older beta version to upgrade as soon as possible. Older beta versions will expire on December 31, 2006. You can download the new beta version by logging in and clicking on the Download tab.
  • ClickTime Mobile Edition for Time & Expense Tracking (beta): Our enhanced mobile application now allows users to enter expenses on their expense sheets.
  • Client Invoice (Excel): This new report includes a breakdown by project and can also include the client's postal address so that the invoice can be inserted into a standard No. 9 window envelope for mailing.
New features in ClickTime 4.82 include:
  • Accounting Package ID Fields: The accounting package ID fields have been updated to allow for more characters per field. This provides improved integration for various accounting packages, including QuickBooks, that may require long ID values when synchronizing information.
  • Firefox 2.0: We support the use of the newly released Firefox 2.0 web browser for the Mac, Linux and Windows operating systems.
  • Internet Explorer 7: We support the use of the newly released Internet Explorer 7 web browser for Windows.
New features in ClickTime 4.81 include:
  • Customizable Job and Project Breakdown Enhancements: We have made several enhancements to the ability to break down a job/project into phases and sub-phases.
  • Internet Explorer 7: We have improved compatibility with the Internet Explorer 7 Release Candidate 1.
  • Revised PDF Manual: An updated version of the ClickTime manual is available for download. You can download the manual by logging in and going to the Quick View section under the Company tab.
New features in ClickTime 4.8 include:
  • Job, Project and Task Customized Breakdown: Now you can break down jobs, projects or tasks into multiple detailed items. Projects can be defined with phases and sub-phases, while tasks can be further defined by sub-tasks. For more information or to add this feature to your account, contact your sales representative.
  • Improved Foreign Language Support: We now provide improved foreign language support throughout the web application with Unicode encoding (UTF-8). Reports viewed with the HTML Viewer should properly display foreign language characters.
  • New Online Help System: We have implemented a new context-sensitive online help system. You can access it by clicking any of the "help" links that appear at the top and bottom of every page.
ClickTime's Desktop Application 2.0 Beta 4 is now available for download! We encourage all those using previous beta versions to migrate to the latest release.   New features in ClickTime 4.7 include:
  • Mandatory Comments for Time Entries: Users can now be required to provide comments for all their time entries. This feature is available on the Day View and Week View.
  • Prevent Submission of Incomplete Timesheets: We now provide the ability to prevent people from submitting timesheets for approval, if the person's minimum number of hours per day/week has not been entered. This feature is available in the Timesheet Approvals section of the Person Detail page.
New features in ClickTime 4.6 include:
  • Type-ahead Time Entry Selector: ClickTime now provides the ability to select the client and job using a type-ahead selector. For companies with more than 100 jobs, this makes filling out your daily timesheet much faster.
  • Stopwatch Timer: We have significantly improved the stopwatch feature and its integration with your company's policies for recording time worked. Use it to record how long you have been working on a project.
  • Adjustment and Break Time Tracking: We now offer an adjustment option for recording break times. This simplifies the time tracking for people who record the start and end times while working. This can be combined with the stopwatch feature and provide valuable details for companies who need to track the exact hours that people are working on projects.
New features in ClickTime 4.51 include:
  • Desktop Application - version 2.0 beta: Our new beta release of the Desktop Application includes stopwatch timer, weekly summary, and other advanced features. You can download the beta version by logging in and going to the "Download" tab.
  • Web Services and Performance Enhancements: ClickTime's Web Services now offers new methods and improved performance. Performance for time entry pages has also been significantly enhanced.
  • Updated Manual: The latest ClickTime manual is now available. Handheld Access documentation and a dynamic Table of Contents are included in this version.
We are excited to announce ClickTime 4.5 optimized for your handheld browser! This includes Palm Treo, Windows Mobile, Sidekick, and BlackBerry web users. New features in ClickTime 4.01 include:
  • Stopwatch Timer (beta): We now provide an option to use a stopwatch for easily recording how long you have been working on a project. This feature is available on the Day View and can be enabled as an option in your "My Preferences" section.
  • Timeout Alerts: We now provide an alert message prior to your session timing out. If your session does time out, perhaps because you've walked away from your computer, an alert will stay on your screen to notify you.
  • Customizable Export Report: This new export report can be accessed from the Miscellaneous category. The report enables you to select what data to export during a given time period.
New features in ClickTime 3.8 include:
  • Reimbursable Expenses: ClickTime now offers the ability to identify specific payment types as non-reimbursable. The Expense sheet reports display the expense sheet total and the reimbursable total separately, making it easier to know the check amount for reimbursing someone.
  • QuickBooks Reimbursable Expense Export Report: This report is useful for exporting your reimbursable expense data to QuickBooks (U.S. versions only) for reimbursement and billing purposes.
  • Custom Fields in Export Reports: Now there is an option to include custom field information when using any of the Text and Excel time data export reports.
  • Expense Sheet Review Options: ClickTime has added options to make it easy to review expense sheets that have been approved and are waiting for payment. We've also added an option to quickly review only paid expense sheets.
New features in ClickTime 3.7 include:
  • Audit Log: ClickTime now offers the ability to record an audit log of changes to your account. This includes adding, editing and deleting time entries, expenses, jobs, tasks, clients and people. This is an optional module that can be added to your account.
  • Desktop Application - 2.0 beta: ClickTime's new desktop version includes a timer, start and end times, and other advanced features. You can request to beta test this by logging in and going to the Download tab.
  • Revised Expense Export Report: The expense export now includes the description field associated with each expense.
  • New Expense Review Selection Options: You can now easily select one person's or an entire division of people's expense sheets to review.
  • Comments Popup Window: The comments window is improved for people with multiple monitors.
New features in ClickTime 3.6 include:  
  • DCAA Compliance: ClickTime's DCAA (Defense Contract Audit Agency) Compliance module allows for ClickTime customers to be compliant with DCAA guidelines.
  • Bulk Changes Feature: ClickTime now offers a simple way for administrators to add time (e.g. company holiday) to multiple people's timesheets. This feature also allows for administrators to remove time from multiple users.
  • Desktop Application Blocking: Administrators can now block the download and use of the Desktop Application if desired.
  • Improved Browser Support: ClickTime now supports Netscape version 8.0 and Safari 2.0.
    New features in ClickTime 3.5 include:  
  • Tracking Non-Worked Time: ClickTime's time off module offers a new way to enter non-worked (vacation, sick leave, etc) time. Entering, checking, and using non-worked time is now easier than ever.
  • Vacation Accruals System: ClickTime now offers a way to automatically calculate time off balances with this optional module.
  • Enhanced Manager Permissions: New manager settings allow more control over what your managers may and may not do. This feature is available to all corporate customers.
  • Custom Timesheet Model: This feature allows your company to create a custom timesheet from 1-30 days in length if your company's needs aren't met by standard weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly timesheet models.
    ClickTime 3.2 offers web services enhancements and enhanced support for the Firefox browser. New foreign currency features include support of the Cyprus Pound and a revised expense export report. ClickTime Web Timesheet 3.0 new features:
  • Foreign Currency Expenses: Enabling the Foreign Currency Expenses feature automatically converts a person?s expense item in a foreign currency into the company?s local currency.
  • New Managerial Permission: This new permission creates an option where a manager has the ability to generate reports but does not have the permission to view billing rates information (such as the billing amount column).
  • Cost Tracking: In order to calculate a project?s profitability, each person can be assigned a cost rate along with their current billing rates. By generate a report display both the cost amount and the billing amount, managers can determine a project?s profitability.
  • Custom Fields: This feature gives administrators the ability to create additional fields within the ClickTime system.
New features in the ClickTime Web Timesheet 2.8!
    • Customizable Report Titles: Administrators can now customize the names of reports in their My Favorite Reports section on the Reports page.
    • Task List Controls: Determine which tasks are associated with specific clients and jobs when entering time.*
    • Improved Session Duration: For increased security and flexibility, you may now extend your company?s timeout to 4 hours.** Corporate accounts only.
  • Improved Expenses Workflow: An email notification can be automatically sent to an administrator for expense sheets awaiting payment.
ClickTime 2.6 includes the following new features:
  • Job List Controls: This feature gives administrators the ability to control which users can enter time and expenses against a particular job.
  • Customizable Terms: Administrators can now select the terms that reflect their organization's use of categorizing time. The terms Client, Job, Task and Division can be customized as desired and will be reflected throughout the ClickTime system.
  • Custom Info Messages and Alerts: This feature provides administrators a method of displaying messages and alerts on various pages of the ClickTime system. Use this feature to display important company information to your employees.
  • New Report Selector: Billable and Non-billable Time: This new report selector allows you to generate various reports on all time entries, only billable time entries, or only non-billable time entries.
We are excited to announce the release of the ClickTime Web Timesheet version 2.5 which includes the new ClickTime Expense Tracking Module. This module permits rapid entry, approval, and analysis of employee expenses through a convenient web-based interface. For more information and a free trial of the ClickTime Expense Tracking Module, please contact Additional features have been added to ClickTime:
  • Expenses Module: A pre-release version of the ClickTime Expenses Module is available for entering and approving expenses. This is an optional feature that can be added to existing accounts. For more information and a free trial of the ClickTime Expenses Module, please contact
  • New Client Report: Billing Summary with Person Detail: This report is useful for determining the billable hours and rates for specified clients with a breakdown by person for each client.
  • New Client Report: Job and Task Summary with Comments: This report is useful for a detailed breakdown (by job and task) of all time entered for a specified client.
  • New Client Report: Job, Task and Person Summary with Comments: This report provides a detailed breakdown (by job, task and person) of all time entered for a specified client.
  • New Client Report: Client Billing - Job and Task Summary: This report is useful for determining the billable hours and amounts for specified clients with a breakdown of tasks for each job.
  • New People Report: Billing Summary with Client Detail: This report creates a client breakdown of billable and non-billable hours and associated rates for each person.
  • New Miscellaneous Report: Timesheet Approvals Configuration: This report lists all of your timesheet approval settings in one comma-separated file which can be easily viewed in Excel.
ClickTime version 2.1 includes the following new features:
  • Timesheet Approvals System: A complete system for submitting and approving timesheets is now available as an optional feature. Adding this feature to your account gives you the ability to designate people that must submit their timesheets and get them approved by a manager or administrator.
  • Export to XML: You can now export your time entry data to an XML format. The new XML export report option is accessible from the Miscellaneous report category.
  • Employment Types and the People List Export report: The Employment Type settings for each person are now exported when running the People List Export report.
  • Preferred Time Entry View: You can now select either the Daily or Week View as your preferred time entry view by going to the My Preferences area under the Personal tab. This determines what page you are taken to when clicking the Personal tab and when standard users first login.
  • New Report: Billing Detail by Person: This new report can be accessed from the Client and Job categories. The report is useful for a quick overview of billable hours and rates for specified jobs and clients. It also includes a breakdown of the hours completed by each person.
Download the new ClickTime Desktop Application. Download version 1.4 by logging in and clicking on the Download tab. Please note that older versions of the ClickTime Desktop Application will no longer be supported after December 30, 2003. Attention ClickTime Desktop Application users. The new ClickTime Desktop Application 1.4 (beta version) is now available. To download this new version, log in and click on the Download tab. The release of ClickTime 2.0 offers the following new features:
  • Week View - Time Entry: We now provide you the ability to enter time on the Weekly View page. This should make entering time much easier and quicker. This feature incorporates modern web standards (HTML and JavaScript) that some older browsers were not designed to work with properly. As a result, some older versions of browsers that are still supported with the Daily View cannot be used with the new Weekly View feature.
  • Quickweek: You can now copy a previous week's time entries to a new week by simply clicking the Quickweek button on the Weekly View page. This works the same as the Quickday feature in that it copies the time entries from a previous week without copying the comments.
  • Timesheet View: There is now a separate Timesheet View that displays a summary of time entries. The number of days shown is determined by your company's timesheet model (weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly or monthly).
  • Employment Types: You can now associate each person with an employment type. You can then run reports on these groups of people. For example, you can use this to easily run Horizontal Timesheet reports for all hourly employees. You define what the different employment types are in the Employment Type section. You can access this new feature by clicking the Employment Type link at the top of the People list.We provide a few sample types for you and have preset all people in your company to the Standard employment type. You can re-assign multiple people to one employment type easily be editing the desired employment type and clicking the "assign people" link.
  • Notes: While editing jobs, tasks, clients, people and divisions, you can now enter comments into a Notes field. You can use this area to keep track of additional information for your employees, projects and clients.
  • People Reports: We have provided you more options for selecting which people to include when running a report. When you run one of the People reports, you can select from a list of People, Divisions or Employment Types, all on the same page. To reflect these new options, we changed the name of the category of these reports from "Employee" to "People". Additionally, we will be removing the "Division" report category in the near future since these reports and selection options are now accessible from the People category.
With the release of ClickTime 1.80, the following new features are available:
  • Timesheet Model: We now allow you to define a timesheet model for your company. This setting is utilized for locking individual person's timesheets. You can select a timesheet period of weekly, biweekly (every other week), semi-monthly (e.g. 1-15 and 16-30) or monthly.
  • Timesheets Section: There is now a separate Timesheets area for managing people's time entries. From this section you can review, override and lock a person's timesheet. You can also determine if people's timesheets have been sufficiently completed by using the Incomplete Time Entry report accessible in this section.
  • Search for People, Clients, Jobs, Tasks or Divisions: It's now easier to manage your lists of people, clients, jobs, tasks and divisions. From the QuickView page or while viewing a list of people, clients, etc. you can enter the name of what you are looking for and quickly see a matching list of items. If only one item is found matching your search request you will be taken directly to the detail information of that item.
  • Billing Rate Options: In your company preferences, there are two new billing rate options to select from. We now provide the ability to select a billing rate by person with exceptions for certain clients or jobs.
Access your ClickTime timesheets using Apple Computer?s new Safari web browser! ClickTime now supports a full complement of modern browsers across Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. New Feature! Managers now have the ability to manage a specific division, multiple divisions, or the entire company. Updated and Improved Report Exports! The reports have been revised to improve the results when using the Excel Data-Only export option. We are excited to announce the release of ClickTime 1.70! Our system update includes the following:
  • Improved report generation system: There are new and enhanced report viewer options for all browsers and platforms. The HTML viewer is significantly improved and is available to Windows and Mac-IE users.
  • PDF reports: The recommended method of viewing reports is now PDF. The PDF format allows people with Macs and PCs to view, print, and export great-looking reports.
  • Shorten your list of tasks and jobs: Does your company have 20 different tasks, and only 2 of them apply to you? You can shorten your task list and opt-out or opt-in to whatever task you perform. Go to "My Tasks" and simplify your time-entry page. This new feature is similar to the My Jobs option.
  • Updated reports: The Summary by Client report under the Employee category now includes the client number when applicable. We?ve also enhanced the notification feature for the Incomplete Time Entry report. If any problems are detected when sending email notifications, the list of people who could not be sent the notification is now displayed.
  • Desktop Application for Mac OS X: A public beta version of the Desktop Application is now available for Mac OS X. You can download it after logging in by going to the Download tab and selecting the appropriate link for Mac OS X.
Attention Mac OS X users! ClickTime is proud to introduce the fully-native ClickTime Desktop Application for Mac OS X. If you would like to download the beta version of the ClickTime Desktop Application, please contact us. The release of ClickTime 1.62 provides companies with more flexibility for administrators and managers and more customization for our international customers. These new features have been implemented:
  • Expanded functionality for incomplete time entries: Edit each employee's record to reflect whether they are incomplete by hours per day or hours per week. You'll be able to keep track of all your employees' time, regardless if they are required to enter 4 hours per day or 40 hours per week.
  • International date structures and currencies: Under your company preferences, pick the currency and the standard date format used by your operation.
  • Multiple deletion/inactivation of jobs: Long job lists are now more manageable with the ability to delete, inactivate, or activate many jobs at once.
  • New Reports: Start using the Employee: Summary by Client report and the Client: Client Billing Summary report for further advanced reporting on your employees' time. Also, you may now export your employee, client, job, and task lists and your company's billing rates.
Reports Updated - The billing rate has been added to the following reports:
  • Employee Reports - Task Summary
  • Division Reports - Task Summary
  • Job Reports - Task Summary
  • Task Reports - Task Summary
: Variable Billing Rates - ClickTime's new billing methods give you the flexibility to establish billing rates according to your company's needs. You may select a billing rate method by:
  • Person: Apply a fixed rate to each employee.
  • Job: Apply a fixed rate to each job. No matter which employee enters time for a specific job, the billing rate will be the same.
  • Task - fixed rate: Apply a fixed rate for each task. Regardless of the job performed, the rate for the task will remain fixed.
  • Task - variable by Person: If the rate of the task depends on whom performs the task, choose this option. Under each employee record, you will be able to apply individual rates to each task.
  • Task - variable by Job: If the rate of the task depends on the job performed, choose this option. Under each job, you will be able to apply individual rates to each task.
Updated and Improved QuickBooks Export Report - If you export your ClickTime data to QuickBooks, the QuickBooks export report has been updated. Even if you have been using the report for years, please read the updated directions, as the file has changed, which means the way it is imported into your QuickBooks application has changed. : Due to popular demand, new features and new reports have been added to make your time tracking more efficient. These administrator and user functions have been added:
  • New Functionality for Administrators -- Job Budgeting: When creating a new job or updating a job, enter the estimated time you have budgeted for that particular job. You can keep track of actual time versus the estimated time by running the Job Estimate Comparison report.
  • Client Reports -- Job, Employee and Task Summary: This report will give you the most thorough compilation of time allocation towards specific clients.
  • Two new reports for all users under "My Reports": A standard user can now run two extra reports on their own time data with the Job and Summary Task report and a Task Summary report.
We have made new additions to ClickTime in response to several customer requests. Check these out:
  • New log-in screen for returning users: New log-in screen is cleaner and simplified for our daily users.
  • New user security level: If you want to give a user some administrative capabilities such as running reports, adding jobs, or overriding user timesheets, simply edit a user's account to reflect their security level.
  • Ability to delete a user, task, job, or client: An administrator can now delete users, tasks, jobs, or clients. This capability is best used on items that have no time towards them. Please read in the online help system about deleting an item BEFORE deleting it.
  • New online help system: Our new online support system is very intuitive. Simply click on the "help" button anywhere on the website and you will quickly find the answers to your questions. You can also email support and send your suggestions from the ClickTime help window.
We are excited to announce the New ClickTime Report Center! We have added several great new features that will make running reports a breeze:
  • New Organization: You will no longer see the pull-down list. Reports are organized to help the administrator choose the right report. If you're not sure which report to use, choose the category first to see the previews and descriptions of the reports.
  • My Favorite Reports: If you are always running the same report, check "one of my favorites" above the report previews and it will show up before the list of available reports.
  • Date Range Selector: Choose your date range by using a monthly calendar view, picking specific time frames, or according to standard date ranges.
Download the new desktop application! Version 1.3 has just been released for all of our desktop application users. The amount of time entries you can enter per day has been increased to 14, and if you work behind a proxy server, this desktop is for you. There is a great new auto-save feature, too! Another new feature! Add Longer Comments -- You can now add up to 2,000 characters per comment, on the web and on the desktop. We're proud to announce the release of ClickTime 1.48! We've listened to the top requests from our users and rolled them into our biggest feature upgrade ever. Whether you're a power-user admin or a novice, there's something in this release for you:
  • Company Divisions -- Keep your accounting department separate from your sales department. You can now create divisions and assign your employees to different departments.
  • Run Reports by Division -- Only want to know what hours your consulting team has billed? Check out the new reports you can run by division.
  • Add up to 24 Time Entries per Day -- You normally complete at least 20 different tasks each day? You can now add up to 24 time entries per day. Make it a preference to see all 24 entries by making a change in "My Preferences."
  • Shorten Your Job List -- Does your company consistently work with 30 different clients, and you only work on 2 of them at a time? You can shorten your job list and opt-out or opt-in to whatever job you are working on. Go to "My Jobs" and save yourself time when entering your time.
  • New Save Feature -- ClickTime will now save your time entries when you switch between days. If you are working on the desktop application, your time will be saved automatically after it detects new information has been added.
Announcing ClickTime 1.47! NEW JOB REPORTS have been added to make your choice of reports more substantial and specific to your needs. Also, billable status and billable rate have been added to the data export files.
