Instantly Understand Company Performance

ClickTime's Executive Dashboards offer immediate visual insights into operations, finance, employee performance, and more.

ClickTime's Executive Dashboards offer immediate visual insights into operations

Surface Key Metrics and KPIs

Put the metrics that matter most in front of your team. Whether you're sharing performance over email or displaying them on a large screen in the office, Executive Dashboards provide immediate transparency, and help to keep everyone working toward the same goals.

See Trends and Progress Toward Goals

Real-time visual summaries make it easy to understand trends and outliers, and allow you to make smarter management decisions — faster.

See Trends and Progress Toward Goals

Visualize Everything

Virtually any data available in ClickTime — employee capacity, billings by client, even which tasks or jobs are the most profitable — can be visualized through our Executive Dashboards. Why spend time manually running reports or putting together presentations, when dashboard data is always available, up-to-date, and ready to be analyzed, shared, or displayed?
