DCAA Timesheets & Audit Trail

Automatically log all revisions made to critical labor, billing, and accounting to ensure information integrity

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What you need most Compliant Timesheets

Accurate time and expense sheet data can save companies fortunes in misreported information. What was the original entry? Why was it revised? ClickTime's Audit Trail keeps an automated log of all revisions to save you from headaches in the future.

expenses icon

Informative Reports

Easy to view reports of timesheet approvals and data changes show whether data integrity has been compromised. Companies who undergo frequent audits or require internal cost reports to comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act can simply click a button and generate reports with traceable source data.

job estimations icon

Audit Trail

Additional auditing options are available by combining Audit Trail with Timesheet Approvals. The "DCAA compliance" setting tracks user explanations for data modifications. This is especially helpful for contractors who serve the U.S. Department of Defense and must be compliant with strict cost accounting guidelines set by the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA).

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Worry-Free Time Tracking

Audit Trail takes away the worry of timesheet reporting compliance and maintaining data integrity while keeping time tracking quick and easy. Using the Audit Trail, DCAA setting, and Timesheet Approvals helps companies fulfill the requirements for DCAA compliance listed below.

Check every box DCAA Compliance Requirements

Audit Trail takes away the worry of timesheet reporting compliance and maintaining data integrity while keeping time tracking quick and easy. Using the Audit Trail, DCAA setting, and Timesheet Approvals helps companies fulfill the following requirements for DCAA compliance:

DCAA Feature Available?
Accumulation of actual direct costs by job and tasks green checkmark icon
Accumulation of costs under General Ledger Control green checkmark icon
Calculation of multiple billing rates per job or task green checkmark icon
Identification and accumulation of direct costs by contracts green checkmark icon
Track user explanations for modification green checkmark icon
Inception-to-date job or task detailed histories green checkmark icon
Proper segregation of direct costs and production costs green checkmark icon
Labor distribution system that charges direct & indirect labor to appropriate cost objectives green checkmark icon
Tracking and segregation of no allowable costs green checkmark icon
Tracking of employee labor by intermediate or final contract objectives green checkmark icon
Necessary audit reports green checkmark icon
