A Better Way to Manage Employee Performance

Want to conduct better employee performance reviews? ClickTime is the only time tracking platform that transforms timesheets into powerful reports on employee profitability and performance.

employee performance management report

Conduct More Effective Performance Reviews

resource planning employee bar graph icon Host Meaningful Performance Reviews

Use real, quantifiable data to add rigor to quarterly or annual performance reviews

purple red stopwatch quarter filled Analyze Billability

Measure billable hours by employee — over any period of time

purple red checklist See What Was Worked On

Gain visibility into where employees are spending their time

purple red clipboard chart with glasses Understand Employee Performance

Identify who were your most or least profitable employees

orange left quote icon

“The data in ClickTime is priceless. In addition to improving how we plan and staff our teams, we're able to analyze employee efficiency and link real performance data to goals and incentives for quarterly and annual reviews.”

—Van Chang, Director of Finance at COPE Health Solutions
