Analgesic Solutions Improves Project Visibility with ClickTime and Smartsheet

Analgesic Solutions is a team of experts who consult on and conduct clinical trials in the process of bringing pain treatments to market. With hundreds of projects completed and ongoing collaborations with regulatory authorities, Analgesic Solutions provides assistance and implementation tools for successful pain trials, and helps their clients develop and commercialize better treatments for pain.

Using ClickTime, Analgesic solutions is able to more effectively manage projects, work more efficiently, and increase profitability.

Easy Time Tracking and Powerful Reporting

Before ClickTime, the Analgesic Solution team would track their time in Excel.

"Excel isn’t a real time tracking solution," said Business Operations Manager Cyvia Star. "It took too long to enter tasks, and it was difficult to run reports."

While easy time tracking was important for Star, she also needed a system to understand how the business was performing.

"We wanted to understand how long certain projects took, whether or not we were performing out-of-scope work, and the performance of our fixed-fee contracts," said Star. "ClickTime helped us understand pricing and measure profitability."

"I reviewed a number of time tracking systems, and ClickTime was clearly the best for us," said Star.

Cyvia Star headshot

“We now have one view to see everything. Project management has a great deal of control and visibility into any project. By matching the tasks in ClickTime to Smartsheet's project plans, it's easy for us to estimate hours and analyze costs versus actuals.”

— Cyvia Star, Business Operations Manager

Smartsheet Integration

"With ClickTime, we have great retrospective data," said Star. "The reports make it easy for us to look back and review budgets and performance, and better understand profitability."

Star wanted to take the data from ClickTime and combine it with the project plans available in Smartsheet. Working with ClickTime’s Professional Services team, Star was able to build the solution they were looking for.

"We now have one view to see everything," said Star. "Project management has a great deal of control and visibility into any project. By matching the tasks in ClickTime to Smartsheet’s project plans, it’s easy for us to estimate hours and analyze costs versus actuals."

Working with ClickTime's Professional Services Team

To develop ClickTime’s Smartsheet integration, Star worked hand in hand with ClickTime’s Professional Services Team.

"The Professional Services team is amazing," said Star. "They are very easy to talk to and provide meaningful input that helped us quickly arrive at the right solution. And the team is great about creating time estimates and sticking to them. Overall, I have really, really positive things to say about ClickTime."

In partnership with Analgesic Solutions, the Professional Services team was able to quickly spec out, plan, and build the right solution for their organization.

"ClickTime is great to work with, and I can honestly say that I can’t think of anything they could improve on," said Star. "They did an incredible job helping me design something that would automatically work."
